What’s Happening with School-Based Health Centers? Brenda Barron, Director of Field Operations Director of Field Operations School Health Initiatives Midwestern Regional Conference July 23, 2008
National Assembly on School-Based Health Care National advocacy voice for over 1,700 SBHCs Training and technical assistance Evaluation and quality Funded by cooperative agreements with MCHB, BPHC, and CDC; foundation grants; donors, and members
NASBHC Principles Supports the School Responds to the Community Advances Health Promotion Activities Implements Effective Systems Focuses on the Student Delivers Comprehensive Care Provides Leadership in Adolescent and Child Health
4 N = 1709 Where are SBHCs Located?
Growing State Support Michigan: $1million budget increase & mental health services reimbursement Illinois: 3% cost of doing business Ohio: Legislative site visits Arizona: $200,000 budget increase Washington: Establishing state program office
Mental health services Fastest growing component of SBHCs First priority for program funding Mental Health Planning and Evaluation Template (MHPET) School Mental Health Capacity Building Partnership State policies
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8 community type
Reproductive health services Origins “Under the radar” strategy Response: services reflect the community needs Revised national policy statement Message development and Congressional education Expertise and training on state adolescent health care laws
The School-Based Health Clinic Establishment Act Introduced in the Senate on February 14, 2007 Introduced in the House on November 17 Authorize a federal SBHC program Provide competitive grants to SBHCs Outcomes Senate: Resulted in a SBHC cost effectiveness study by the General Accounting Office (GAO) in the CHC reauthorization House: Received a hearing on December 4, 2007
Healthy Schools Act of 2007 Ensure procedures for payment under Medicaid and SCHIP for services provided by SBHCs Define primary health services Outcomes SBHCs included in final SCHIP bill with language that did not prohibit states from reimbursing SBHCs. President vetoed twice
Primary reasons for success State leadership Member action &
What to look for in ? SCHIP: SBHC inclusion at national and state level Reintroduce SBHC authorization Integrate SBHCs in federal and state health care reform efforts/dialogue Address health inequities and quality of care
Contact Information Brenda Barron Director of Field Operations th St NW, Suite 735 Washington, DC ext 213