Our Solar System By Priya Papandrea
Contents Our Planets The Sun Facts about the sun More facts about the sun The moon Facts about the moon Bibliography And……….
Our Planets In our solar system we have 9 planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and last but not least Pluto. All of them are different for example on Venus the temperature reaches 480c degrees in the day while on the other side of the solar system Uranus and Neptune are made of ice and are a chilly -218 and -224 c in the day
The Sun
Fast facts about the Sun The sun is 92,960,000 miles away from earth Radius -695,800 km Diameter- 1,392,684 km Circumference at equator- 4,370,005.6 km Mass- 1,989,100,000,000,000,000,000 billion kg Surface temperature- 5500c Did you know that one million earths could fit in the sun
More facts about the Sun The sun contains 99.86% of our solar system mass Did you know that the sun travels at 220 km per second
The Moon
Facts about the Moon Did you know that the moon is what makes the tide go out and in Circumference at equator-10,9170 km Diameter km Mass- 73,476,730,924,573,500 million kg
Bibliography The solar system by Blake education Google The solar system.com.au My head
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