Partner Activity: With a partner, define the following vocabulary in your own words Enlightenment Philosophes Natural laws
Definitions Enlightenment – revolution in thinking, 1600s and 1700s Philosophes – Thinkers, used reason to discover natural laws Natural Laws – law that governs human nature
Class Read Read pg. 144: Setting the scene & progress and reason
Discussion with a partner Which of the following quotes do you agree with. Discuss your decision with your partner People are naturally bad People are naturally good
Class Questions If you believe people are naturally bad, what type of government/rules are needed for these people? If you believe people are naturally good, what type of government/rules are needed for these people?
Thomas Hobbes English philosopher Leviathan (1651) People = bad Must enter a “social contract” with a powerful government in order to have an organized society Absolute Monarchy –Divine right
John Locke English philosopher Two Treatises of Government (1689) People = good People have natural rights from birth Form governments to protect those rights If government fails or violates their natural rights, people have the right to overthrow that government