Education Department Government Of Gujarat Mid Day Meal Scheme Annual Work Plan & Budget
Introduction Gujarat introduced MDM scheme in 1984 and is pioneer state in providing hot cooked meals. Total Schools are Covered by the MDM Approximately Lakhs (out of Lakhs enrolment in Govt. Primary Schools) children take benefit of MDM 89,561 Cook cum Helpers working for the scheme 2
SrOrganizationArea servedCenters Beneficiary in Lakhs 1Akshayapatra Corporations of Amadavad (W), Surat and Vadodara Districts of Gandhinagar (3 blocks) Amadavad rural (1 block), Vadodara (3 blocks) Nayak Foundation District Navasari Stree Shakti Corporations of Amdavad (E) ; Rajkot and District Valsad (4 blocks) Total Proposals for Bhavnagar and Jamnagar Corporation underway 3 Centralized Modern Kitchen in MDM
4 Akshaypatra inaugural in Surat
Review of progress regarding filling of vacant posts in MDM through Contractual Recruitment 8
There is large scale vacancies in the regular posts for MDM In order to strengthen monitoring contractual posts are recruited at district and block levels 9 Contractual PostSanctionedFilled District Project Coordinator3221 MDM supervisor (Block ) Regular PostSanctionedFilledvacant posts Deputy Collector Dy. Mamalatdar
Inspection of MDM centers and Coverage of MDM Inspection of MDM centers: During current year MDM centers are inspected and 1018 samples are taken for quality check. For various irregularities 68 MDM organizers are terminated and a recovery of Rs. 1,11,362 is also ordered. The coverage: In the year , Over all three quarter Coverage of MDM is % 10
Progress of MDM for year (up to December-2014) 11
MDM Coverage 12 Standard PAB Coverage ( ) EnrollmentBeneficiaryCoverage in % Primary Upper Primary Total Approved days as per PAB Up to Dec-14 Actual MDM given days Up to Dec-14 PrimaryUpper PrimaryPrimaryUpper Primary
13 Coverage Comparison with Previous Years
New Items for MDM ( ) State Government initiative ParticularRemarks Food grain (wheat) 60 kg per annum for tribal girls students of Std. 1 to 8 (70 % attendance) Beneficiaries : 6.10 lakhs Rs crore Sukhadi (once a week)Rs crore Tithi Bhojan (Community Participation) Lakhs Meals Weighing Scales (100%) MDM centers Rs.7.32 crore LPG connections (100%) MDM centers Rs crore
15 Tithi Bhojan by Community Participation
16 Training for safe use of LPG for MDM cooking
New Items for MDM ( ) Sr. no. ItemsRs. In Lakhs ml flavored milk to all primary school students in 2 EBBs 5 days/week by Education Department ml flavored milk to all primary school students in 26 Tribal Blocks every day by Tribal Dev. Department Modernization of 500 MDM Kitchen Galvanized containers at MDM centers Breakfast for Std. 6 students and MDM for Std. 9 students of Model day school Total State Government Initiatives:
18 Galvanized containers at MDM centers
Issues to be discussed 19
The present norm for the honorarium for cook cum helpers is too low. The Government of Gujarat made provision of Rs crore in as matching contribution for Rs. 500 rise in the honorarium for each Cook cum Helpers. However the said benefit could not be given due to non approval of increase in honorarium by Government of India. 20 Honorarium to Cook cum Helpers
The design of present kitchen shed is not modern and not conducive for large number. It is therefore proposed to modernize 1000 existing MDM kitchen sheds in schools having 500 or more students. wet masala grinder, S.S tilting pan, S.S tilting bulk cooker, S.S steamer, 3 range burner, working platform and storage The project cost also includes training of cook cum helper and quarterly maintenance contract for 3 years Estimated cost is Rs Rs.4.5 Lac per MDM Center, shared 75:25 by Center and State 21 Kitchen Modernization
Providing pasteurized 200 ml. flavored milk, 5 days a week, to primary school children when school begins at am, in 19 non tribal economically backward (developing) blocks. Presently, it is being implemented on pilot basis by the State Government from its own funds in two EBBs, viz. Santalpur, dist. Patan (17749 students in 95 schools) and Modasa, dist. Arvalli (22415 students in 221 schools) at a total cost of Rs.458 Lacs. 24 Additional Nutritional Supplement to MDM
It is proposed to GoI to include this as a part of MDM scheme, and approve the above facility in the remaining 19 non tribal developing blocks of Gujarat. The number of beneficiaries would be 4.13 Lacs and the cost Rs crores. It is proposed that this cost be shared 75:25 between Center and State. 25 Additional Nutritional Supplement to MDM
Annual Work Plan & Budget:
Annual Work Plan & Budget: Sr. noComponent PAB Approved (Rs. in Lakhs) Proposed (Rs. in Lakhs) CentralStateTotalCentralStateTotal 1 Cost of Food grain (100% GOI) Cooking Cost Honorarium to Cook Cum Helper Transportation Assistance (100% GOI) Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) (100% GOI) Total Recurring (A) Kitchen Devices (100% GOI) Kitchen cum Store 0.00 Total Non Recurring (B) Total Recurring + Non recurring (A+B)
Thank You 29