Name the genre….
Name the genre….
Learning Objective Develop understanding of Genre in preparation for q1(b) of summer exam
Why DO WE STUDY Genre? Genre offers audiences a formula. Genre offers audiences a formula. Genre actually help us to make sense of the media. Genre actually help us to make sense of the media. Genre defines a market for the industry. Genre defines a market for the industry.
What are the film genres? Gangster & Crime The western Romantic comedy thriller Sci-fi horror musical comedy melodrama Social realist drama action
Genre The notion of convention, repetition and expectation are central in understanding genre theory. The notion of convention, repetition and expectation are central in understanding genre theory.
CONVENTIONS Who in the media is responsible for establishing the genre conventions? The media makers- writers, producers, editors, directors etc. The media makers- writers, producers, editors, directors etc. The industry. The industry. The consumers? The consumers?
REPETITION Once the conventions are established they are then repeated by the industry. Why? Once the conventions are established they are then repeated by the industry. Why? Because audiences become familiar with it. Because audiences become familiar with it. A successful formula makes money! A successful formula makes money!
EXPECTATIONS? The audience's expectations are met by the repeating of the conventions. The audience's expectations are met by the repeating of the conventions. Audiences enjoy……. ‘predictable pleasures’. Audiences enjoy……. ‘predictable pleasures’. Discuss: think of a TV or film example that you have seen recently where you could predict what you were going to see. Discuss: think of a TV or film example that you have seen recently where you could predict what you were going to see.
Repertoire of elements Genre is no longer a set of fixed elements, consistently repeated but working within the repertoire of elements. Genre is no longer a set of fixed elements, consistently repeated but working within the repertoire of elements. Narrative Narrative Ideological themes Ideological themes Iconography Iconography
Stephen Neale film theorist: “ Genre is a system of orientations, expectations and conventions that circulate between industry, text and subject”.
Iconography What is it? What is it? Familiar iconic signs present within a genre. The physical tools of the genre. Familiar iconic signs present within a genre. The physical tools of the genre. Includes: Includes: Props, Lighting, Setting, Costumes. Essentially another term for mise-en- scene.
Iconography Problems What is the problem with iconography for some genres? What is the problem with iconography for some genres? Some genres are not recognisable through a fixed set of iconography. Some genres are not recognisable through a fixed set of iconography. e.g.: the musical or the melodrama. e.g.: the musical or the melodrama. Some genres do have distinct, recurring iconography. Some genres do have distinct, recurring iconography. The western and the gangster….what about horror and sci-fi? The western and the gangster….what about horror and sci-fi?
Case studies – Task: within your groups identify the conventions of: Task: within your groups identify the conventions of: The western film The western film Task: watch this clip from the horror film ‘ Drag Me To Hell ’. How many of the iconographic conventions can you identify: Task: watch this clip from the horror film ‘ Drag Me To Hell ’. How many of the iconographic conventions can you identify:
Task You are going to be shown a series of music magazines from a variety of genres. What genre(s) of music do you think they focus upon? How can you tell – think about the title, main image, sell-lines (i.e. content) etc?