Question 1 What are the three functions of a parliament? A. B. C.
Question 2 Which of the following is NOT a parastatal organisation? Republic of Botswana Auditor General Malawi Revenue Authority National Aids Council of Zimbabwe Nigerian Department of Immigration Services Kenya Airport Authority National Ports Authority of South Africa
Question 3 Only one of the following is a civil servant – which one? A. Ministerial special advisors? B. Parliamentary advisors? C. Local government staff? D. Minister for the civil service?
Question 4 The current UK government consists of… A. All Lib Dem and Conservative MPs? B. All Lib Dem and Conservative MPs and lords? C. All Lib Dem and Conservative ministers and whips? D. The cabinet?
Question 5 Since 2000, how many new pieces of legislation concerning international development have been passed by the UK parliament? A. 1? B. 5? C. 23? D. 107?