Developing a Title I Budget Title I Directors Budget and Planning Workshop June 18, 2012 Embassy Suites
Resources No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Subpart 1: Basic Program Requirements Subpart 2: Allocations Non-Regulatory Guidance ( Title I Fiscal Issues, February LEA Identification and Selection of School Attendance Areas and Schools and allocation of Title I Funds, August 2003(Refer to #5 pages 5-6) The New Title I: The Changing Landscape of Accountability, 7 th Edition, by Kristen Tosh Cowan, Esq. (Revised July 2011) (Chapters 3 and 8 address allocations and budgeting) Title I Handbook, Volumes I and II _rank&sortOption.way=0&er=&query=Title+I+Handbook&r= Title I Website Calendar, Fiscal Procedures, Finance Forms, etc.)
Developing a Title I Budget Overview Part 1 - Review of prior fiscal year Part 2 - Title I set aside requirements Part 3 – Selection of school attendance areas Part 4 – Public school ranking and determining Title I school allocations Part 5 – Developing school budgets and the LEA composite budget
Part 1 – Review of Prior Fiscal Year Prior Fiscal Year FY12 Amount of allocation Carryover amount Percentage of prior year remaining carryover Current Fiscal Year FY13 Current Allocation Carryover regular amount from prior year Total funds available for current year $ _______________ _________ % $________________ $ ______________________ $________________
Review of Forms for Carryover Funds and Budget Transfers LEA Carryover Application – required from all LEAS that will be utilizing carryover funds (p. 12 of HO) LEA Carryover Waiver Request - required if a LEA has more than 15% in carryover funds (p. 13 of HO) Budget forms are available on the Title I website (fiscal section)
Part 2 –Title I Set Aside Requirements Required Set Asides –School choice and/or supplemental educational services (20% or a lesser amount) –Professional development (10%) –Highly qualified (5% or a lesser amount) –Parent involvement (1%, but N/A if LEA allocation is less than $500,000) –Neglected and delinquent –Homeless –Indirect costs (based on LEA rate) Optional Set Asides –Administrative budget –District wide programs Additional Resource: Cowen, K. T. (2011, July). The changing landscape of accountability. Thompson Publishing Group. Washington, DC., pp
Part 3 – Selection of School Attendance Areas Definitions School attendance area – a geographic area of a particular school in which children served by that school reside Eligible school attendance area – a school where the percentage of children from low-income families who live in the school attendance area is at least as high as the percentage of children from low-income families in the LEA as a whole Additional Resource: Cowen, K. T. (2011, July). The changing landscape of accountability. Thompson Publishing Group. Washington, DC., pp
Part 3 – Selection of School Attendance Areas General Selection Requirements –Select a poverty measure – A LEA shall count only students ages 5-17 in utilizing any of the 5 measures of poverty permitted (*p. 162) –Utilize the same measure of poverty for 1.Determining eligible school attendance areas (*pp ) 2.Determining the ranking of each area (*p. 163) 3.Determining the allocation for each school (*pp ) –Identify any schools with a poverty percentage that exceeds 75% - rank from highest percentage to lowest percent without regard to grade spans Must be served (*p. 164) –Select a method of ranking schools (*pp ) 1.District wide ranking 2.Grade span ranking *Additional Resource: Cowen, K. T. (2011, July). The changing landscape of accountability. Thompson Publishing Group. Washington, DC.
Part 3 – Selection of School Attendance Areas LEA discretion in selecting participating areas and schools –35% rule –Serving an ineligible school attendance area –Electing not to serve an eligible attendance area Additional Resource: Cowen, K. T. (2011, July). The changing landscape of accountability. Thompson Publishing Group. Washington, DC. pp
Part 3 – Selection of School Attendance Areas Allocating Title I funds to participating areas and schools –Allocate according to a decreasing rank order of percentage of poverty –125 % rule - serving any schools below 35% poverty –Allocate based only on percent of poverty ( instructional model and/or educational need may not be considered) –Allocate adequate funding to ensure a quality program (Refer to #5 pages 5-6 of LEA Identification and Selection of School Attendance Areas and Schools and allocation of Title I Funds, August 2003)
Part 4 – Public School Ranking and Determining Title I School Allocations Complete the public school ranking spread sheet Determine which private schools will be served (if applicable) Calculate the amount of funding needed per school for salaries and fixed costs for each Title I funded staff member Determine the per pupil allocation from the current fiscal year's allocation Determine the per pupil allocation for parent involvement Determine the per pupil allocation for professional development (if applicable) Determine the per pupil allocation from carryover funds (Regular and ARRA funding) Review the calculations for each school allocation
Part 5 –School Budgets LEA Composite Budget Calculate Total Program Budget Amount of carryover (regular funding) from prior fiscal year Amount of current fiscal year allocation Total amount to budget for fiscal year $ _____________
Part 5 –School Budgets LEA Composite Budget Complete the LEA budget –Budget expenditures for administration –Budget set asides –Budget carryover funds Complete individual school budgets Review the detailed composite budget Complete the summary of the LEA budget