Trade Networks of Asia and Africa Chapter 1 Section 3
Key Terms Define: Navigation
By the 1500’s trade networks linked Europe, Africa, and Asia Ships from China and India brought spices, silks, and gems Advances in Learning: *Developed algebra *Astronomers agreed with the Greeks that the earth is a sphere *Advances in technology: large sails The Muslim Link in Trade
Founder and prophet: Muhammed Followers of Islam are called Muslims Book of worship: Quran Islam spread rapidly through trade Rise of Islam
The African Link in Trade Traded for ivory, spices, copper, and cattle East African Trade Centers: *Zimbabwe: most powerful trade center; traders passing through had to pay tax *Kilwa: chief trading center; cloth, pottery, gold, ivory, furs *Slave trade began to develop West African trade centers: *Ghana: first major center of trade; trade in gold and salt made them rich *Ghana absorbed into the empire of Mali under Mansa Musa *Timbuktu in Mali became a center of learning *Rulers of Songhai captured Timbuktu in 1468 and the Songhai empire became rich
The East Asian Trade Link China established trade with India, Korea, Japan, Africa, and the Middle East World Traders: *Invented printing with movable type (400 years before Europe) *Advances in navigation: Magnetic compass Silk Road: went west from China *SILK, spices, bronze *Traded spices in Middle East: nutmeg, cloves, peppercorns Handout Why did Islam become a major world religion? P. 21- Analyze