This painting helps explain the development of the United States of America. How? data/link2.h tm
Impetus for Exploration End of bubonic plague –Had killed about 1/3 of population Emergence of nation-states –Italian states trade brought wealth and contact with classics »Economic competition and rivalry Technological advances –Cartography of winds and currents –Compass, astrolabe, caravel, mounted cannon Adventure Renaissance –(next slide)
The of Europe Stemmed from revived Italian trade with long-distance ports Knowledge –Rediscovery of forgotten classics –Contact with other cultures Economic and political implications for societies that survived the Black Death –Enclosure of estates –Development of English Parliament
Reasons for Exploration 3 ’s – –, gain personal fame and fame for country –, become wealthy (spices, sugar, silk, …)
“God” Motivated to – Different forms of Christianity in competition –Catholic (Por, Sp, Fr)/Protestant (Br) – from Muslims by controlling trading routes
Europe CRUSADES: European Christians traveled to the “Holy Land” (Middle East) to wage war on Muslims While there they came in contact with exotic Asian goods and wanted more of them. But Asia was FAR AWAY. ASIAN GOODS Holy Land
SPAIN (AND PORTUGAL) In Spain Muslims had conquered the country, but the Spanish fought back: –Ferdinand and Isabella married and united their kingdoms – ; the Spanish remove all Muslims from the Spanish Peninsula. Muslims pushed Out of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella
“Glory” Motivated to gain fame and power – reward –Lasting fame (ex Columbus parades, holiday) – reward Era of newly created nation-states –Out compete rivals (and Muslims) Mercantilism –Add new markets and sources of raw materials
Portugal Portugal –School for sailing to improve trade Ports in Africa to weaken Muslim merchants Water routes to Africa for luxury goods
“Gold” Need for new markets and sources of raw materials Mercantilism
PORTUGAL: Portugal is a seafaring country located on the Atlantic Ocean. Prince Henry’s School for Navigation: Portugal trained their sailors and used new technology: Caravel: Modern Ship perfected By the Portuguese 1488 Dias makes it to the southern tip of Africa 1498 DeGama Makes it to INDIA SAHARA DESERT Muslim Control