By Hailey H.C
Early Years Nursed her brother David Had 2 sisters and 2 brothers Started going to school at the age of 4 Lived at barn Very smart excellent and curious student Father taught her about importance of serving others and helping others mothers asked her to babysit Phrenologist to exam Clara's head and said she would be a teacher born December
Middle Year s No training started being a teacher Started a public school in New Jersey Went to collage Worked for women’s right’s Worked in us patent office when only men worked there Very young got supplies and went to battle flied to help the wounded soldiers.
Why this Person was Famous Became an excellent teacher Started red cross Went to battle field with supplies to help the wounded soldier's Worked in patent office when only men worked there Made a difference Looked for missing soldier’s
Why I Chose this Person I chose Clara Barton because she started the Started the red cross and became a teacher. I also chose her because she nursed her brother David and helped and cared for wounded soldier's in the civil war. She looked for missing soldier’s also. She made a difference for women for working in the us patent office. I have an interest also in teaching and I also love to help others that is also why I chose Clara. I think Clara Barton was a very brave person.
Time Line Born December 25 in North Oxford Massachusetts 1821 Begins nursing hers brother David 1833 Starts her teaching career in Massachusetts1839 Moves to Washington D.C and works on U.S patent office 1854 Starts helping wounded soldier's in Civil War1861 Starts searching for missing war soldier’s1865 Dies on April 12 in Glen Echo Maryland1912