Copyright By Donna Kearley
Video Copyright Rules Must Meet All Four Rules: Must Meet All Four Rules: 1. Must be shown in a classroom 2. Must be shown by teachers or students
3. Legally Acquired Store Bought Store Bought Owned by a Library, School, or be a Public Library copy Owned by a Library, School, or be a Public Library copy
4. Face-to-Face Teaching Must be curriculum related Must be curriculum related Must directly tie to the lesson at hand – I.e. Can’t show Shrek because you are studying Fairy Tales. Must directly tie to the lesson at hand – I.e. Can’t show Shrek because you are studying Fairy Tales. Entertainment/Reward Prohibited. Entertainment/Reward Prohibited.
Regular Broadcast Channels (2-13) Regular Broadcast Channels (2-13) Videos may be shown once in the first 10 days for instruction and once for reinforcement per class. After 45 days they must be purchased or erased. Videos may be shown once in the first 10 days for instruction and once for reinforcement per class. After 45 days they must be purchased or erased.
Regular Broadcast (2-13) Within the 45 days you may view it again for evaluation Within the 45 days you may view it again for evaluation You cannot tape the show again for school use. You must write for permission if you plan to use it every year. You cannot tape the show again for school use. You must write for permission if you plan to use it every year.
Cable Access Learning Magazine gives copyright restrictions for programs on cable. They range from FREE Use to very restricted. Most programs give teachers permission to use to use the program for 1 year. You must check each title. Access Learning Magazine gives copyright restrictions for programs on cable. They range from FREE Use to very restricted. Most programs give teachers permission to use to use the program for 1 year. You must check each title.
Print Materials Photocopies cannot replace purchasing your own copy of the material. Photocopies cannot replace purchasing your own copy of the material. You cannot make your own anthology of copyrighted works without permission. You cannot make your own anthology of copyrighted works without permission. You cannot copy consumable materials without permission. You cannot copy consumable materials without permission.
Print Copies Supervisors cannot legally ask you to make copies of copyrighted materials. You cannot make copies of the same material every semester. You cannot make copies of the same material every semester.
Print Copies Students may not be charged for any copies made. Students may not be charged for any copies made.
You May Make a Single Copy For Teacher Preparation For Teacher Preparation Of a Chapter from a book Of a Chapter from a book Of one Article from magazine or newspaper Of one Article from magazine or newspaper Of a short story, essay, or poem Of a short story, essay, or poem Of a Graphic of any kind Of a Graphic of any kind
Multiple Copies Only1 copy per student Only1 copy per student For Classroom use For Classroom use Must meet brevity and spontaneity guidelines see note Must meet brevity and spontaneity guidelines see note Include notice of copyright Include notice of copyright
Brevity Poem or excerpt of a poem 250 words or less Poem or excerpt of a poem 250 words or less 10% or less than 1,000 words of prose. If the whole article is less than 2,500 then you may use the entire article. 10% or less than 1,000 words of prose. If the whole article is less than 2,500 then you may use the entire article.
Brevity One chart, graphic, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture per book or periodical. One chart, graphic, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture per book or periodical. Picture Books - 2 pages or less Picture Books - 2 pages or less
Spontaneity Must be at teacher’s request (we can’t anticipate your requests) Must be at teacher’s request (we can’t anticipate your requests) One per course per term (of a book, author, story, etc.) One per course per term (of a book, author, story, etc.) No more than 9 total per course per term. No more than 9 total per course per term.
Music Emergency Copies may be made provided you purchase replacements Emergency Copies may be made provided you purchase replacements May NOT make multiple copies of a performable unit May NOT make multiple copies of a performable unit No more than 10% of whole piece. No more than 10% of whole piece.
Music Single copies of a performable unit are prohibited unless it is out of print or for research. Single copies of a performable unit are prohibited unless it is out of print or for research. Music may be simplified provided fundamental character is not distorted Music may be simplified provided fundamental character is not distorted
Music Recordings of Performance may be made to evaluate performance and retained. Recordings of Performance may be made to evaluate performance and retained. Copies of sound recordings may be made for aural exercises and retained. Copies of sound recordings may be made for aural exercises and retained.
Software Software in DISD is to be loaded by the Computer Tech or Technology personnel ONLY. Software in DISD is to be loaded by the Computer Tech or Technology personnel ONLY. Any unauthorized software on your computer will be deleted. Any unauthorized software on your computer will be deleted.
Graphics Use NetTrekker for graphics. We have copyright permission. Use NetTrekker for graphics. We have copyright permission. We have a list of copyright free clip art sites available. We have a list of copyright free clip art sites available.
In Closing Let us know what materials you need. Let us know what materials you need. We purchase materials every year. We purchase materials every year. We will try to borrow what we can’t afford to purchase this year. We will try to borrow what we can’t afford to purchase this year. We may have alternative materials available. We may have alternative materials available.
Copyright Fines Up to $5000 per person per violation (all the way up the ladder from the teacher violating to the Superintendent) Up to $5000 per person per violation (all the way up the ladder from the teacher violating to the Superintendent) District Fine of Up to $250,000 per violation District Fine of Up to $250,000 per violation
District Policy We will obey Copyright Law. We will obey Copyright Law. Several districts in DFW area have been sued. Several districts in DFW area have been sued. All have paid fines. All have paid fines.
Suggestions Have students find as much information in books as possible before using the computer. Have students find as much information in books as possible before using the computer. After students are focused on topic, then send them to the computer for additional info. After students are focused on topic, then send them to the computer for additional info.