0404 IAT 102 Graphic Design
0404 Design Basics Art Nouveau Modernism and New Typography Short Break----- (TA) Presenting (TA) Photoshop Demo: cloning tool, cropping, importing images to InDesign + Resources: Online tutorials
Design Basics
right alignment
what’s a good rag? Credits: Rahel Arnold, Valeria Bonin
15-20% of line length
right- and center-aligned: difficult to read
avoid stairs and blocks
avoid isolated words
avoid holes
Small rag: rhythm not interesting
Separating a paragraph
Art Nouveau: Nature + Style
Germany: Van de Velde’s famous Tropon Ad ( c.1895 A.D)
Czech Republic: Bieres de la Meuse (1897 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha
Job Cigarette Girl (1897 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha
Bicycle Ad (1897 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha
Sarah Bernhardt in Gismonda (1894), La Tosca (1897) + La Samaritaine (1899) Alphonse Mucha
Playing Card Design (c.1900 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha
Princess Hyacinth – theatre poster (1910 A.D.) Alphonse Mucha
Germany: The Kiss (1898 A.D.) Peter Behrens
Modernism and New Typography
Malevich: Aeroplane Flying (Russia) 1915
Malevich: The Black Square, 1913
Mondrian (NL, De Stijl): Composition With Gray And Light Brown, 1918
Mondrian (NL, De Stijl): Composition with Red Blue and Yellow, 1930
El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): Catalog cover
Constructivism: - originated in Russia, no more “Art for Art’s sake” (l’art pour l’art) - industrial design, graphic design, poster, books - many links to De Stijl (NL), Bauhaus (Germany), Dada (Switzerland / Germany) - geometric shapes, mathematic proportions - functional, no ornaments
El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): Poem, 1923
El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): The Isms of Art, 1924
El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): "Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge" (1919)
El Lissitzky (Russia, Constructivism): Advertisment for Pelikan, Ink
Typographische Mitteilungen, 1915
Jan Tschichold (Germany): Typographische Mitteilungen, 1925
Jan Tschichold (Germany): Elementary Typography
Jan Tschichold (Germany): The New Typography, 1928
Jan Tschichold (Germany)
Jan Tschichold (Germany), late works: traditional typography, humanist tradition
1928 Tschichold New Typography 50-60ies Ruder White Space 1961 Muller-Brockmann The Grid