1 Helping Others Benefit from your International Travel Mary A. Andrews, Ph.D. Michigan State University Extension Nancy E. Crago, Ph.D. Penn State University Cooperative Extension
2 The Polish-American Extension Project (PAEP) Overseas Technical Assistance Project. –Sponsored by USDA with Poland’s MAFE –Time frame: Extension specialists and agents sent. –70 individuals from 26 states Worked with Provincial level Extension staff. –Extension methodologies –Farm management, farm economics, household and agricultural technologies, tourism, youth development, etc.
3 Purpose of the study Determine the benefits and impact of international assignments –Internal –External Determine factors leading to greatest value
4 Methods and Data Sources Total Design Method Quantitative Data –Mail Survey (N=70) 95.7% response rate Qualitative Data –Phone Interviews (n=28) –On-site interviews (n=98)
5 Research Questions How did Intn’l assignments affect participants and near-associates? –Near-associates includes family, colleagues, stakeholders and clientele. What influences or factors were positive, negative or indifferent? Did domestic organizations and communities benefit?
6 Results: Personal and Professional Benefits Positive change in self-perception Renewed professional commitment New knowledge and understanding of international issues Increased status
7 Results: Benefits for Family Members Growth in self-reliance Ability to adapt New knowledge Increased interest in international Issues Personal relationships with community Family bonding
8 Results: Organizational Benefits Globally competent professionals with renewed commitment Educational outreach with international dimension Increased visibility and support for international programming
9 Results: Benefits To Polish and American Communities Increased international knowledge, awareness and understanding Improved appreciation for others Improved attitudes concerning international involvement Greater interest in participating in exchanges, tours, hosting, linkages and business endeavors
10 Recommendations from Lessons Learned Don’t be shy: Create visibility about intn’l assignments/travels –Build a support system with early and continuing involvement of others –Alert educational & community groups –Make connections with stakeholders Accept hints from others and expect organizations to provide orientation –Anticipate interests to develop examples/stories from travel to integrate into work/community –Plan continuous communications strategies
11 Lessons Learned Work at identifying ways people at home can become intn’lly involved: –Correspondence, hosting, exchanges Emphasize international cooperation, not technical assistance—stress the “mutual” benefits of travel
12 Pre-Travel Considerations Develop an educational plan Identify potential audiences and linkages Involve others –Colleagues and co- workers –Family members Develop a communications plan Put together a photo album to share with hosts Contact local media Visit with persons from host country Read and learn about your destination
13 Considerations During Travel Document travel - photos, journals,videos, slides –Note similarities and differences – Keep audiences in mind Collect items for program display Maintain communications with home Explore partnership opportunities Develop new skills/knowledge
14 Hometown folks want… To learn about your experiences and insights To cooperate in providing reciprocal hospitality To become involved internationally, but often don’t know how
15 Hometown folks are interested: Write “newsy” letters home--regularly Create or mailing lists to reach large numbers with same communication Create a news release or taped message for the radio Encourage the children to share daily life with school friends
16 Post-Travel Considerations Share travel experience with others Design activities to help others develop global awareness Reflect on how you have changed and grown Set goals for your own future development/involvement Create ways to stay in contact with hosts
17 Summary-- International Travel is an ideal way to: Develop personal and professional skills and sensitivities Involve family members Increase understanding of global interdependence Help co-workers, clientele and community members get involved in international affairs
18 Thank you! Mary A.Andrews, Ph.D. Michigan State University Nancy E. Crago, Ph.D. Penn State University Cooperative Extension