The Skills Students Need To Succeed
Today, my priority is to learn. I will focus my attention towards knowledge. I will use self-control regarding my behavior. I will use self-discipline and be responsible for my actions. I will strive for excellence. Failure is not an option. Success is a must, my attitude is a choice. I can accomplish great things!
Ms. Kissinger Graduation Day Never give up. Never believe anyone who tells you, “You can’t.” Think positive thoughts. attitude is everything. Visualize: “The Successful Me.” Write two affirming statements you might use this year.
Pyramid of Success What is the meaning of success? Answer the “?” by writing 2-3 sentences on your paper. Ms. Kissinger thinks: Success is when I try to always do my personal best. I try to be the best I can be with any situation and keep a positive attitude until a task is 100% completed.
Integrity To act according to your sense of what’s right and wrong.
Initiative To do something because it needs to be done, not necessarily because it has to be done.
Flexibility To be willing to alter plans when necessary.
Perseverance To keep at it… and at it… and at it… If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Organization To plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way. To keep things orderly and ready to use.
Sense of Humor To laugh and be playful without harming others.
Effort To always do your best.
Common Sense To use good judgment.
Problem Solving To create solutions to difficult situations and everyday problems.
Responsibility To respond when appropriate. To be accountable for your actions.
Patience To wait calmly for someone or something.
Friendship To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.
Curiosity A desire to investigate and understand your world.
Cooperation To work together as a common goal.
Caring To feel and show concern for others.
Courage The ability to persevere and withstand danger, difficulty, or fear.
Punctual To be able to keep to an arranged time, or schedule to be prompt.
How Running Changed Life for a Boy with Autism Runner With Autism Makes Strides on the Track news/how-running-changed-life-boy- autism-n194051
Answer the following on your goal setting W.S. Now that you have Identified what success means to you, and know skills needed to be successful write a one sentence goal? This success goal can be short or long term. There are successes in many areas of your life, choose one. Success will come with an idea about a purpose you have for yourself. Explain a plan on how you will accomplish your success? Draw an illustration of “The Successful Me.” Be prepared to share your success!
My Sample: Title: Kissinger’s Keepsake Kindling 100% Poise Be your true self. Confidence Believe in yourself if you expect others to believe in you. Fitness Act, eat, and think right. Skill Practice makes perfect. Team Spirit Be eager to help your team. Self-Control Awareness of your behavior. Alertness Be open to learn more about a subject. Action Be quick, but don’t hurry. Determination Slow & steady Gets you ready. Hard Work Failing to prepare Is preparing to fail. Friendship To make friends Be a friend. Loyalty Be trustworthy. Cooperation Be interested in Finding the best way, not having it your way. Enthusiasm Make each Day special. Attitude is A choice.
Student Sample Name:___________________ Title:_____________________ Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: If not done completely in class time it is HW Due: _________________________________ Choose 10 skills from the list you want to get better at or improve on this year. Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: Skill: Definition: