Science and Math General Education at DePauw Pam Propsom Jackie Roberts
Agenda Introduction and Goals (5-10 min) Small group discussions (20 min) Large group discussion (20 min) Our summary of survey results (5-10 min) Learning goals (20 min) Working group (5 min) Future plans (5 min)
Curricular change occurs when it: Comes from the faculty rather than an administrative mandate (but the administration supports the efforts) Is transparent, with broad input from all constituencies (discussions, reading groups, surveys, etc) Is sustainable (not a “one-and-done” meeting) Involves departments as the unit of change Uses a representative smaller working group Reflects the dynamics and mission of the individual institution. Not “one size fits all.”
Goals for semester: We want to have division-wide discussions, allowing an opportunity for everyone and all departments to have input At the end of the semester we want to have a tangible product: Divisional Science/Math General Education Learning Goals (non-majors).
Small Group Discussion (20 min): Split into 5 tables, each with a discussion leader/note- taker. Each table gets data for a different survey question. TASK: Read written comments and look for themes, discuss, add to, refine, etc. When we get back together each recorder will give a 1- 2 minute summary.
Large Group Discussion (20 min) Table 1: What do you think is positive about our current general education requirement in science/math (i.e., two courses with SM designation) for non-science majors? Table 2: What could be improved? Table 3: How important is it for undergraduate non-science majors to learn science/math content (important concepts, facts, knowledge, etc.) versus science/math skills (understanding the process of science and research, interpreting graphs, etc.) Table 4: In your opinion, what are the three most important skills for students to master in a general education science/math course that meets the SM requirement? Table 5: In your opinion, what are the three most important concepts for students to master in a general education science/math course that meets the SM requirement?
Q2: What do you think is positive about our current general education requirement in science/math (i.e., two courses with SM designation) for non-science majors? Better than 0 or 1 course/at least science is required (56%) Breadth (courses in two different science departments) (17%) Exposure to how science works/scientific inquiry/principles (14%)
Q3: What could be improved? No common goals/student outcomes/intentionality (29%) Does it ensure exposure to scientific method/literacy? (29%) No lab course required (20%) Interdisciplinary/non-major or theme courses better (20%) It’s not prescriptive/structured enough (14%)
Q4: How important is it for undergraduate non-science majors to learn science/math content (important concepts, facts, knowledge, etc.) versus science/math skills (understanding the process of science and research, interpreting graphs, etc.) Skills more important than content31% Skills a little more important than content31% Skills and content equally important33% Content a little more important than skills0% Content more important than skills5%
Q4: How important is it for undergraduate non-science majors to learn science/math content (important concepts, facts, knowledge, etc.) versus science/math skills (understanding the process of science and research, interpreting graphs, etc.) Skills will allow them to learn new content/apply later (23%) Content will be forgotten(21%) Can’t learn/have skills without content/context (13%) Skills will last longer(13%)
Q5: In your opinion, what are the three most important skills for students to master in a general education science/math course that meets the SM requirement? Interpreting a graph/data(37%) Statistical/quantitative skills(34%) Evaluating quality of evidence(23%) Using science for everyday/life decision-making (14%) Skepticism(14%)
Q6: In your opinion, what are the three most important concepts for students to master in a general education science/math course that meets the SM requirement? Scientific method/process(31%) Statistics/probability/quant skills(16%) Relationships and differences between the sciences (12%) Energy(12%)
What is a Learning Goal? What do you want students to learn by the time they graduate that will still be with them several years later? Examples: “Identify a valid scientific argument” or “Solve problems using quantitative skills including probability and statistics” Are they skills based, content based or a mixture? How do we meet these learning goals? They should be assessable (but how do we do this?)
Working Group Would like one representative from each department (We will facilitate these meetings, but not be the representatives from our departments) Will read a few short papers and look at what other institutions have done for S/M learning goals Based on survey information, division meeting and departmental feedback draft preliminary learning goals Present these at the Divisional meeting in April
Semester Plans Launch of website with resources Brown Bag (first one next Tuesday) and Brown Bottle meetings to continue these conversations Working group meets to draft divisional learning goals Second division-wide meeting to look at draft and think about how to meet these goals Departments provide feedback on learning goals Workshop this summer (survey on topic/timing to follow this meeting)