WELCOME TO Mrs. Bryant’s class!!
Seating Chart You are expected to sit in your seat EVERYDAY! Tardy Policy If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy and asked to get a tardy pass. Your seat may change. You might end up sitting by someone you don’t want to. As an 8 th grade student, you are expected to be mature enough to deal with it.
EXPECTATIONS Respectful On-task Attitude Responsible
RESPECTFUL Being respectful is not the same as respecting someone. Being respectful means that you treat your classmates and me the way that WE want to be treated Be respectful to yourself. Try. You are only failing yourself by not trying. Raise your hand when you have something to contribute. Be respectful to others. Only speak positively; DON’T TOUCH THINGS THAT AREN’T YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be respectful to me. I work hard to ensure you learn. I will show you that I care, and I will show you respect. In turn I expect that you will show respect to me.
On-Task What do you think that this looks like in a science class? What are examples of things that are NOT on-task behavior in a science class?
ATTITUDE We are here to learn. The way you talk to me and others will often reflect your attitude. Think about your tone before you speak. Your attitude will effect how well you do in class. It is up to YOU to come in with the right mind set.
RESPONSIBLE YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your LEARNING. Be here and be on time. Bring your materials (pencil/agenda/binder) Keep all food and drink in appropriate areas. Never open the storage cabinets, take supplies out of the classroom, or do any kind of unsupervised activity. Your actions are your responsibility. Thus, you WILL be held accountable for them. Sit in seat appropriately. Pass and use items appropriately.
Classroom Logistics Trash vs. Recycle (Paper Only) Off-limit areas and student supply areas White boards and Smart Board Items that don’t belong to you!!!! Passes Beginning and End of Class Procedures.
Homework/Late Policy Your assignment is due at the beginning of class the next school day after it was assigned. If you forgot your assignment in your locker you will be responsible to bring it to me during your passing period to your next class. If you do not turn in the assignment during your next passing period the assignment will be considered late. I DO NOT TAKE LATE WORK!
While you were out board If you are absent, you are responsible for getting missed notes and assignments. All papers passed out by the teacher will be in the “While you were out” bin located on the side bulletin board. It is up to you to ensure that assignments are turned in a timely manner. You are allowed 1 day for each day you missed. If you miss an assessment, you will be expected to take it the day you return.
Supplies Three ring binder Spiral Notebook (around 100 pages) Graph paper Pencils Set of colored pencils Loose-leaf paper Scientific calculator Ruler
Grade Reports If you don’t like your grade, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Stay after school, get help during Homework Connections, etc. You earn your grade. The best way to make it a positive one is by working on it early and often. You will be given weekly grade sheets to have signed by your parent/guardian for extra credit points. Stay on top of YOUR grades!
Guidelines for assignments In the upper right hand corner of all assignments you are to have the following: First and last name Class Hour Date Assignment # (Given to you by the teacher) Failure to put your name on your paper will lower your grade one level. (ex. If your grade was an A- it will be recorded as a B+)
Guidelines for assignments (continued) All assignments turned in on notebook paper are to have a heading on the top line. Failure to put your name on your paper will lower your grade one level. (ex. If your grade was an A- it will be recorded as a B+) All papers turned in must be neat and easy to read. All assignments are to be kept in order in your math binder once they have been returned.