Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» Start: 01/01/2013 End: 31/12/ /01/ month progress meeting PISA ICCOMCNR premises
AGENDA TECHNICAL & PROGRESS MEETING 09:30[ICCOMCNR] Welcome and opening of the meeting 09:40[All] Actions carried out by each partner (please prepare a ppt presentation and include SOREME logo and LIFE logo in each slide) and scheduled activities till the end of December In particular videos and photos of the demonstration of the SOREME sorbent use at semi-industrial level will be showed. 10:30[All] Open discussion on actions carried out 11:00[All] Coffee break Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions»
AGENDA TECHNICAL & PROGRESS MEETING 11:15[All] SOREME Technical future issues: [ICCOMCNR] Technical activities scheduled in the next six months of the project [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried out in the next six months of the project. 12:00[ICCOMCNR] Management and dissemination issues 12:20 [All] General questions 12:30End of progress meeting 13:00Lunch Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions»
AGENDA ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING 14:30 [EC Monitor team] SOREME administrative issues: [All] the EC monitoring expert will check all the project administrative documents (timesheets, invoices, etc.) with each partner Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions»
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months ACTION B.3 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at laboratory level (ended) ACTION B.4 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at semi-industrial level ACTION B.5 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level (start) ACTION C.1 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at laboratory level (ended) ACTION C.2 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at semi-industrial level ACTION C.3 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months Presentations of: ICCOMCNR ENEA CONER EPENZ
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months [All] Open discussion on actions carried out
Dissemination activities ACTION D.1: Project web site ACTION D.2: LIFE+ information boards ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases ACTION D.5: Networking ACTION D.7: Diffusion material preparation ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events ACTION D.10: Digital supports for international diffusion
Dissemination activities ACTION D.1: Project web site ECOFATTING website in English: ICCOMCNR has prepared the Italian version ICCOMCNR with the help of EPENZ is preparing the Estonian version Each partner has prepared the link between the SOREME website to the beneficiary website
Dissemination activities ACTION D.2: LIFE+ information boards ICCOMCNR produced 12 SOREME Notice boards and sent them to all the beneficiaries All the beneficiaries put the SOREME Notice board in a public space
Dissemination activities ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases A description of the SOREME project was reported in the section “NEWS” of the ENEA web site ( innovativi-per-ridurre-le-emissioni-di-mercurio-nei-processi-industriali). innovativi-per-ridurre-le-emissioni-di-mercurio-nei-processi-industriali The same news was reported in the ENEA newsletter distributed among the ENEA personnel on 29 July ICCOMCNR has produced 1 article in a general newspaper ICCOMCNR is producing a TV interview In addition, during this period, all partners started to have some contacts with different general and technical newspapers in order to define the production of project press articles.
Dissemination activities ACTION D.5: Networking Cluster with DEPOTEC, RESAFE, ECOFATTING,OXATAN, SHOELAW, PODEBA, SOREME, BioNaD, CLEANSED, After-Cu, MICROTAN, C02SHOE, SHOEBAT and BIOREM (LIFE projects)
Dissemination activities ACTION D.7: Diffusion material preparation Logo definition and design ICCOMCNR has produced 1 roll-up in English ICCOMCNR has produced 1,500 brochures in Italian and 1,500 brochures in English ICCOMCNR has produced 1 poster in English ICCOMCNR has produced 100 t-shirts with SOREME and beneficiaries logos as project gadget ICCOMCNR has produced an official BIOREM power point presentation in English and Italian to be used in events EPENZ is working on the production of an official BIOREM power point presentation in Estonian to be used in events
Dissemination activities ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events CONER organised the following events where presented the SOREME project: SOREME project have been introduced and discussed during 2 different general assemblies of CONER. Each event involved 18 staff people from 9 different regional provinces plus 8-to-10 enterprises. Workshops with Associations and companies interested in testing the SOREME sorbent. From January to September, the following workshops have been held: o Unindustria Forlì Cesena (5-6 April 2013) o Unindustria Forlì Cesena (11 April and 22 May 2013) o Unindustria Piacenza (23 April 2013) o Unindustria Rimini (8 May 2013)
Dissemination activities ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events presentation of the SOREME project in the frame of course co-funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Governance and development of the SMEs in Libya” and aimed to the formation of Libyan officials (Faenza 2/12/2014) SOREME power point presentations at LIFE CNR event in Pisa, 31 January 2014
Dissemination activities ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events ICCOM-CNR presented a SOREME abstract and poster in the following fair: XXXVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale in Tromsø, Norway, June 16 – 20, 2013 XXIV Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica Settembre 2013 a Sestri Levante (GE) ECOMONDO fair in November 5-8, 2013 at Rimini ECOCITY fair in November 21-24, 2013 at Pisa
Dissemination activities ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events ENEA presented SOREME in the following events: ENEA attended to the fair Research to Business 2013 which was held at Bologna on 5-6 June ENEA attended to the congress ECERS 2013 held at Limoges on June ECOMONDO fair in November 5-8, 2013 at Rimini presentation of the SOREME project in the frame of course co-funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Governance and development of the SMEs in Libya” and aimed to the formation of Libyan officials (Faenza 2/12/2014) CONER presented SOREME in the following events: R2B: 8° International Industrial Research Exhibition, held in Bologna, Italy, on 5-6 June 2013.
Dissemination activities ACTION D.10: Digital supports for international diffusion During this period, ICCOMCNR and ENEA started to have some contacts with different external companies expert in video making in order to select the final one for the SOREME video production. During this period, all partners started to define the specific structure of the video of each specific partner.
Management activities ACTION E.1: Project management ACTION E.2: Monitoring ICCOMCNR has continuous contact with all project partners for monitoring project activities ICCOMCNR prepares and sends a monthly summary (each 28th) of the project activities carried out to monitoring team ICCOMCNR needs to receive from each partner technical inputs before each 28th
SOREME Technical future issues ACTION B.4 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at semi-industrial level ACTION B.5 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level ACTION C.2 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at semi-industrial level (end) ACTION C.3 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level ACTION C.4 Feedback on SOREME mercury sorbent use (start)
SOREME Technical future issues [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried out in the next six months of the project
SOREME Dissemination future issues for the next six months ACTION D.1: Project web site: update ACTION D.2: LIFE+ information boards: OK OK (now 12 notice boards; expected 5 notice boards) ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases: new articles (now 3 articles and 1 TV interview; expected 15 pubblications) ACTION D.5: Networking: OK OK (now 14 projects; expected 10 projects) ACTION D.6: SOREME sorbent characterisation and application manual: start
SOREME Dissemination future issues for the next six months ACTION D.7: Diffusion material preparation: OK, production of new posters and brochures (now 1 roll-up, 1 poster, 3,000 brochures, 100 t-shirts as project gadget; expected 6 Posters, leaflets/brochures) ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events: OK, organisation and participation of new events (now 8 events; expected 10 events) ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events: OK OK (now 8 fairs; expected 4 fairs) ACTION D.10: Digital supports for international diffusion: start
ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES Amendment Inception Report result Progress Report Deliverables Partner cost analysis New Administrative excel documents Next project meeting
AMENDMENT ICCOMCNR received a formal approval of the SOREME amendment.
MANAGEMENT Old Budget Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» PersonnelTravel External assistanceConsumablesOverheadsTOTALEC CONTRIBUTION ICCOM CNR 230,840 12,500 67,960 59,000 20,000390, ENEA 119,700 12,500 35,180 49,000 20,000236, CONER 161,900 12,500 43,860 79,000 20,000317, DESOTEC 145,500 12,500 33,500 79,000 20,000290, EPENZ 169,200 12,500 35,900 79,000 20,000316, TOTAL 827,140 62, , , ,0001,551,
MANAGEMENT New Budget Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» PersonnelTravel External assistanceConsumablesPrototypeOverheadsTOTALEC CONTRIBUTION ICCOM CNR 340,612 12, ,000 66,60858,080 28,000620, ENEA 139,700 12,500 45,180 49,000 30,000276, CONER 161,900 12,500 63,860 79,000 20,000337, DESOTEC 145,500 12,500 33,500 79,000 20, , EPENZ 169,200 12,500 35,900 79,000 20,000316, TOTAL 811,412 50, , ,608 58,080 98,0001,551,
MANAGEMENT New Payments Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» «Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» EC CONTRIBUTIONPREFINANZIAMENTO 50% PREFINANZIAMENTO ICCOM CNR 287, , , ENEA 116, , , CONER 168, , , EPENZ 158, , , TOTAL 730, , ,742.90
INCEPTION REPORT RESULTS “I wish to inform you that, on the basis of the information received in the report, the Commission considers that the project remains viable and on track to achieve its objectives within the original timeframe and is, therefore, allowed to proceed. “
INCEPTION REPORT RESULTS Technical issues 1. The participation in a few scientific events is mentioned in your report (e.g. in the XXXVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale in Tromso, Norway) but no presentations or other materials useful to understand the added value for participating in such events has been submitted. Please either submit such materials with your next report, or upload them to the project website, also with the aim of facilitating the assessment of the relevant costs claimed for travel, subscription fees, etc. Web site updated. Materials will be attached to the SOREME next report.
INCEPTION REPORT RESULTS Technical issues 2. Please be reminded that the project website needs to be regularly updated with the project progress and results. You are kindly advised to upload the recent results about the sorbent features and its absorption capacity in the dedicated section. Web site updated with documents. Please also note that you need to update the website as: - the Life logo redirects to the Soreme homepage instead of the Life website; The Life logo is part of the header of the website which redirects all together to the homepage. The link to the life website is embedded in the “The Life+ programme” window on the bottom left of the homepage. - in the "Life+ programme" section, links to "selections of projects" redirect to incorrect addresses. We corrected the link of “selections of projects” which now points to the right url. Finally, you are kindly advised to implement a section dedicated to promoting the Soreme sorbent amongst small and medium enterprises. New Web site section implemented.
INCEPTION REPORT RESULTS Technical issues 3. End-users and authorisations - please address in your next report the following issues: Provide qualitative and quantitative elements to show the importance in the sector market of the SMEs and confirm, on the basis of that data, that the decision of discarding industries with big plants does not narrow the scope of the project and its potential environmental impact; we will provide the requested elements in the next SOREME report Provide an hypothetical scenario that describes how the results obtained and lessons learnt in demonstration actions can be extended to the treatment of other mercury-polluted industrial effluents; we will provide the requested scenario in the next SOREME report Confirm that no environmental authorisations from the local regulatory authority are necessary for the project demonstration (actions B4 and B5). Authorisation needed
INCEPTION REPORT RESULTS Financial ssues Please provide with your Final Report the declarations attesting non- recoverability of VAT for ICCOM-CNR and ENEA. we will provide the requested declarations in the SOREME Final report
Progress Report Next SOREME Progress Report deadline 30/06/2014
NEXT DELIVERABLES Preparation of dissemination material: Action D.7 Report on the semi-industrial level demonstration: Actions B.4 Report on the semi-industrial level monitoring: Actions C.2
PARTNER COST ANALYSIS Budget monitoring with new modified budget PARTNERCLAIM Project Personnel Dec 2013 Personnel Project Travel Dec 2013 Travel Project External assistance Dec 2013 External assistance Project Consumable s Dec 2013 Consumabl es Project Prototyp e Dec 2013 Prototype Project Overheads Dec 2013 Overhead s Project TOTAL Dec 2013 TOTAL ICCOMCN R , , , , , , ,05 ENEA , , , , ,25 CONER , , , , , ,93 EPENZ , , , , ,08 TOTAL , , , , , , ,31
New Administrative excel documents Use of the new administrative excel documents by each beneficiary for the summary of the project costs
Project meetings 1st Kick off meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy in January 2013 2nd Coordination meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy in June 2013 3rd Coordination meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy in January 2014 Next Project meeting 4th Coordination meeting in EPENZ in Estonia in June 2014