OH Yeah! Class DOJO Tracking
WHY THE CHANGE? To be very blunt, I feel that the whole class is loosing out on OH Yeah Fridays because of a few individuals and that is really NOT fair. Also, I still have a lot of missing assignments.
How Does It Work: l Everyone Starts with 0 Points on 9/17/15 l OH YEAH TIME On Friday – You must have a net 5 positive points and only 2 negative points each week. You cannot have any missing assignments in Power School for my class. (I will prorate the rest of this week – at least 10 OH Yeah points from 9/14/15 to 9/16/15 and a net 2 positive and only 2 negative points 9/17/15 – 9/18/15 only) Remember, DOJO points will carry over each week. – The class period with the highest points will have snacks as well for all students who have earned OH YEAH Time. l Block Party - at the end of each block (9/17/15 to 10/31/15 is first block) – At the end of October, if you have a total of 30 net positive, no more than 10 negative points, and NO missing assignments you will receive a week off of homework and a technology day. This point value will change for blocks 2-4. l Points will reset at the end of October.
How to Earn Your Points: Do What You are Supposed to Do Everyday! Obey Classroom and School Rules Give Your Best Effort!
How You Get Negative DOJO Points: Behavior l Breaking Hallway Rules l Classroom Disruptions and Nonsense Noise (Blurting) l Being Asked to Do, or Stop Doing Something That is Causing a Problem. l Missing Appointments: Lunch or Break Meetings l Not Being Kind and Respectful to Teammates l Unexcused Tardies
How You Get Negative DOJO Points: Academic l No Name/ Incomplete Heading - Assignment will also be considered late and will be a reduction on the assignment grade. l Not Best Effort or Incomplete Answers l Not Prepared for Class with Supplies – Binder, Pencil, Red Pen, Reading Book, Paper, etc.
Point Subtraction and Tracking l Most points are taken away in 1 point increments. But there are circumstances where more points will be taken away. – Discipline Referral, Bullying, Lying, Repeated Offenses, etc. l Points are tracked through Class DOJO l You will be able to check points occasionally with me or you can check them on your own.
Deal Breakers l Regardless of Point Status…At the Time of the October Party, You Can’t Have: – Office Referrals or – D or F Grade in ANY Class
Consequences for Point Levels l Less than 5 net positive points or 2 negative points on a weekly basis will result in: Cummulative System… – First Time – Miss OH Yeah Time On Friday – Second Time - Lunch Detention (and first time consequence) – Third Time - Phone Call Home (Students Call and Teacher Listens) (and first and second time consequence) – Fourth Time - Parent/Teacher Meeting (and first through third time consequence) – Fifth Time – Meeting with Mr. Roberts and Counselor (and first through fourth time consequence) – Sixth Time – Let’s NOT go there…
YOU MADE IT!! CONGRATS l OH Yeah Fridays may include: – Board Game Time, Fun Activity, Snacks (if class point leader) l Block Party - October – Movies, treats, games, music, cell phone privileges, etc. – Parties can change throughout the year. – I WANT EVERYONE TO ATTEND
Bummer Man, You Didn’t Make It! l You Won’t be Attending OH YEAH time or the Block Party l You will: – Complete Missing Work – Have Additional Assignments for that Day – “Normal” Class for You – Be informed of location that period.
Your Goals l DON’T GET NEGATIVE POINTS! l STAY ORGANIZED l BE ON TASK l THINK before you act! l 6 Be’s: self-starter, on task, active listener/learner, connector, superior teammate, yourself! l BE THE BEST!!!