Let’s explore the Common Core and take a walk in the PARCC! Presented by: Principal Gary C. Breen Math Teacher Julie Balkenhol Reading Specialist Janet Shoemaker
A Closer Look at Common Core Standards High quality academic standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) Anchor standards/practice standards span all grade levels Specific learning goals that outline what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level (what content & when) 43 states adopted, goal increase consistency across states Focus on trajectory of learning K-12 for success in college, career and life regardless of where you live
The CCSS: 3 Shifts in ELA/Literacy 1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language
WTPS Focus for Reading Balance of literature & informational text Reading routinely (Balanced literacy: Independent Reading, Guided Reading, Genre study units) *increased emphasis on informational texts High-level comprehension beginning in primary grades Textual analysis/close reads Accountable thinking and talk (text-centered discussions) Reading across content areas Increase opportunities for technology integration
WTPS Focus for Writing Three genres of writing (narrative, persuasive & informational) Writing routinely Increase quality of writing Focus on writing process (multiple opportunities for drafting within genre, access to electronic devices for drafting, editing, and revision) Writing across content areas
The CCSS Requires Three Shifts in Mathematics 1.Focus: Emphasize key areas of instruction, focus on standards. 2. Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics. 3. Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application.
WTPS Focus for Math Everyday Math program, gr. K-5 Increased emphasis on problem solving Continued focus on number and operation (elementary - base ten, algebraic thinking & fractions) Increased focus on fraction concepts, gr. 3-5 Increased emphasis on geometry & data Integration of Math Practice Standards (reason abstractly, demonstrate perseverance) Increased opportunities for flexible grouping to differentiate instruction Incorporate utilization of electronic math tools
A Closer Look at PARCC Group of states working together to develop a set of assessments Designed to measure whether students are on track to be successful in college & their careers Computer-based assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts Two parts to the assessment, performance-based and end- of-year Administered to students in grades 3-8 and high school
Performance Based Assessment (PBA) Administered after approximately 75% of the school year. Focus on effective writing in response to analyzing text. Emphasis on applying math skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems Integration of math practice standards (abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance and math tools) Human scoring required
End-of-Year (EOY) Assessment Administered after approximately 90% of school year Focus on reading comprehension Emphasis on demonstration of conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency from major content within the grade level Machine scorable items
Student Implications Data used in conjunction with district-wide measures to get baseline on students strengths and needs for classroom instruction Data is not utilized in determining report card grades, grade level advancement, high school acceptance Data used in conjunction with additional measures to identify additional supports (ie: Basic Skills, Get Set, Good Morning Math, Read 180, Gifted and Talented)
District Implications WTPS Federal/state funding linked to required 95% participation rate Data used to identify strengths and needs in district-wide programs Data analyzed for targeted professional development
General Tips to Help Your Child Prepare for Testing Whether taking teacher-made or standardized tests, you can do several things to support a positive test-taking experience. 1.Encourage your child to work hard every day in class. 2.Explain that stress is normal and encourage your child to relax. Teach quick ways to reduce stress such as counting or taking a deep breath. 3.Remind your child to listen carefully to all test directions. 4.See that your child gets his/her regular amount of sleep before the tests and is well rested. 5.Make sure that your child eats his/her usual breakfast on the day of the test. 6.Encourage your child to do his/her best. 7.Explain that it is normal to feel a little stressed at times, but encourage him or her to express those concerns and worries. 8.Build your child’s self esteem every day. 9.Model by example.