HIF1O/2O Communication
“Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak, and to speak well, are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.” -Ben Jonson
Communication Roadblocks Roadblocks stop traffic at the site of a major accident. Vehicles are backed up for miles and travel is impossible Just like bad traffic, obstacles block open communication, too.
Gossip, lies, insults, threats and accusations hurtful talk closes lines of communication shows no concern for others destroys relationships Ex. “I heard …..” “You always….” “Or else”
Nagging and Preaching Comments that are persistent or abrupt turn the listeners off Ex. “You better exercise more” “I tell you every day, turn down your stereo”
“Know it All” attitude Not being open to other’s ideas or opinions Taking over conversations with all the fantastic stuff you know Always more then one way to look at a situation
Sarcasm Tone of voice used to express the opposite of what they’re saying Hurtful and prevents open conversation Ex. “wow, you are like so smart”
Interruptions When a person stops you from finishing your sentence. Constant interrupters have developed bad habits Make sure to correct the behaviour
Sending Effective Messages
Think before you speak Take into account the points that you want to make before speaking. This may save you from embarrassment or hurting others
Express a positive attitude try to send a message that is warm and enthusiastic whenever possible. No one really likes to hear complaints or criticisms.
Send clear and specific messages Ensure that your thoughts are organized in a meaningful way Use clear language
Speak clearly Be Aware Use words that others will understand quickly Pay attention to both verbal and non verbal communication are sending the same message
Check for listener understanding Notice the listeners body language for information about how your information about how your message is being received Ask for verbal feedback if you have any questions about the non-verbal feedback you are rescieving.
Definitions Active listening Body language Communication Communication filters Feedback I-messages Non-verbal communication Verbal communication Passive listening