Mines Action Canada October 2009
Explosive barriers… Landmines and cluster bombs hinder the development of communities and countries. MAC’s work supports the removal of explosive barriers to development by raising funds to support mine action in affected communities and training young people around the world to be effective community leaders.
The domino effect… Cluster Munitions and Landmines have profound effects on development all over the world. October has several important international awareness days related to victim-activated weapons that you can organize your events around. These include: - World Food Day, October 16 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, October 17 - Global Week of Disarmament, October
Explosive barriers… The vast majority of victims of landmines, cluster bombs and explosive remnants of war are civilians and not soldiers. Year after year, Landmine Monitor has reported that civilians account for 70 to 85 percent of casualties.Landmine Monitor This is not just during a conflict – most of the countries where casualties are reported are at peace.
The fall out… Uncleared landmines, cluster bombs and explosive remnants of war are lethal barriers to economic growth and post-conflict recovery by: - Slowing down or preventing the repatriation of refugees and displaced people - Hampering the provision of aid and relief services - Further burdening a likely already overstretched health care system with the need to provide medical treatment for victims - Depriving communities of their productive land - Affecting access to economically important areas
The costs and consequences… Landmine and cluster bomb accidents may cost a family their breadwinner. Putting a burden on other members of the family to make up for lost income and/or provide ongoing care for the victim - if they survive. Children are often pulled out of schools to help with this burden or simply because the family can no longer afford it.
How you can break barriers! Encourage Canada to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions without delay! Contact your MP using MAC’s Write Now! e-tool. Stage a public stunt like drawing chalk silhouettes around members of the public to represent the civilian victims of cluster bombs and landmines.
Other Resources Landmine Tools for Action, Canadian Physicians for Aid & Relief (CPAR), Video, Economic Costs of Landmine Proliferation, Canadian Red Cross, Video, Social Costs of Landmine Proliferation, Canadian Red Cross, Make sure to check out MAC’s October e-news, Twitter and Facebook for ideas for activities and simulations to help people understand what it means to live amongst landmines, cluster bombs and explosive remnants of war. Even Wars Have Limits campaign, Canadian Red Cross,