Podcasting Made Easy Andy Williams - Edmonds Community CollegeEdmonds Community College
Art Arfons Wolfman Jack
Communication with Students “Why don’t they get it?” “If they would just follow the instructions….” “Can’t they read?” “Why are they taking an online class, anyway?”
Communication with Students
Who are our students? 71% intend to transfer to university. 58% are employed. 26% of accounting students have children or other dependents. 18% do not have a High School Diploma. 14% International Students.
Who are our students? They have other responsibilities and interests. My class is not their top priority. They don’t have enough time. They are ‘underprepared.’ They need flexible learning opportunities.
They use technology 75% of online teens use Instant Messenger. 51% of online teens download music. 91% of all adults online use . 73% of all adults online use internet to get news. Source: Pew Internet and American Life Project Surveys
Why are they enrolled in online classes? Flexibility of online delivery format. Schedule didn’t allow me to attend on- campus. Can’t get to campus. Source: EdCC & BCC survey of online course non-completers
Reasons for Withdrawing I could not handle the combined study plus work or family responsibilities. I had personal problems. The online course was too unstructured for me. Source: EdCC & BCC survey of online course non-completers
What has the lowest student satisfaction level for those who withdrew from online classes? Interaction with faculty Source: EdCC & BCC survey of online course non-completers
A Solution - Use Technology to Talk to Students
What’s a Podcast?Podcast “Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio programs or music videos, over the Internet for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. “ “Podcasting's essence is about creating content (audio or video) for an audience that wants to listen or watch when they want, where they want, and how they want.” Wikipedia
Sample Podcasts AW Web Pages University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington iTunes University UC Berkeley on iTunes Mr. Excel Video Podcast CPA Podcasts Podcast Alley Podzinger Education Podcast Network Education Podcast Network
Berkeley iTunes Site
UC Berkeley - Intro to Computers
EdCC iTunes Site
Podcast Strategy Quick, easy and low (no) cost Use.mp3 files Short audio clips Link to textbook
Podcast Strategy Consider attention span and downloading time. Keep it short! 5 minutes of MP3 file is about 5 MB! Too long----> Students tune out. Too short ----> Not worth it.
What you need to Podcast Audacity - Free software from Source ForgeAudacity – –Cross Platform (Mac or Windows) –Easy to Use Garage Band (Mac OSX) - with iLife suiteGarage Band Web space - a place to upload your audio files Microphone/Speakers on your computer Script or notes!
Audacity PlayRecordPauseStop Mic Level Recording Level Playback Level
Podcasting to Your Class, and the World! Save completed audio file to desktop Load to web server Link to Blackboard classroom & web page Load into iTunes or other source (Need XML) Get students to listen, learn and give feedback!
Garage Band Controls Tracks Media Files Timer
Publish Your Podcast with Garage Band Sample Pod Cast
Podcasts with a Phone! Sample gcast!
Student Comments “It was a pleasant surprise to be greeted with a podcast welcoming me to the class at the beginning of the course.” “Now with the podcast I feel that I have even more of an opportunity to be successful in this course.” “I like having your lecture notes and the podcast, it makes it seem like it's more class room like.”
Why add Podcasts to Course Materials? Audio connection with students Easier heard than read? Time shifting - Convenient and flexible Technology comfort level
Podcasting Resources Podcasting Resources for Educators & Students Beginner ’ s Guide to Podcast Creation podcast-creation/ e-Learning Centre Educause Resource Center Apple Education Resources – Podcasting in Education Apple Education Resources – Podcasting Videos Apple iTunes
The Future? Or Now?