Sno-Camp Polymer Chemistry. Advantages of Polymers Ease of forming Recyclable Readily available raw material (crude oil) Low cost (most is less than $2.00.


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Presentation transcript:

Sno-Camp Polymer Chemistry

Advantages of Polymers Ease of forming Recyclable Readily available raw material (crude oil) Low cost (most is less than $2.00 per lbs.)

Polymers Advantage Low (softening) “melt” temperature Disadvantage ◦Low (softening) “melt” temperature

Most Consumer Plastics are Thermoplastics Why you ask?: Form with heat Recyclable Low cost compared to other containers Transparent ( see the product)

Cost of 20oz Containers PETE $0.06 Aluminum $0.07 Glass $0.10

Response to Heat Thermoplastic ◦ Softens or melts with heat Thermoset ◦ Sets with chemical reaction Elastomer ◦ Is elastic

Various Polymer Structures

Polyethylene LDPE Low density polyethylene (trees with branches) HDPE High density polyethylene (trees without branches)

Polyethylene LDPE Sandwich Wrap ◦ specific gravity HDPE Milk Carton ◦ specific gravity Degree of crystalline content and branches ◦ Heat HDPE jug with a heat gun

Low Density Polyethylene Density of g/cm 3 Linear low-density Polyethylene Density g/cm 3 High-Density Polyethylene Density greater than.941



Polyvinyl Chloride



ABS (Acrylonitrile, Butadine, Styrene)

Nylon 6 – 10



Polylactic Acid (PLA)

Major types of polymers we see every day