More on Intelligence
How stable are intelligence scores over the lifespan? Casual observations and intelligence tests before the age of four only modestly predict a child’s future aptitudes By four, intelligence tests do begin to predict adolescent and adult scores High scoring adolescents tend to have been early readers After age seven, scores stabilize Consistency of scores increases over time! Stability or Change
Genetic and Environmental Influences
Yes There is no “intelligence” gene though; Intelligence is most likely polygenic Genetic influences become more apparent the older we get Adopted children’s intelligence scores over time become more like those of their biological parents Do Genes Influence Intelligence?
Yes Environment can enhance the scores of mistreated or neglected children Fraternal twins’ scores are closer than with other siblings Share a more similar environment Schooling and intelligence interact…both enhance later income Does the environment influence intelligence?
Heritability is the extent to which differences between people are the result of genetics Example – Plants: Put one group (randomly assigned) in enriched soil Put another group in a nonrich environment Results Differences between groups will be a result of the environment Differences WITHIN groups will most likely be due to genetics Heritability of intelligence is 50% Half of the differences in intelligence between people can be accounted for by genetic variance Heritability of Intelligence
Intelligence test scores have been improving over the past century By today’s standards, average intelligence score 80 years ago was 76 Why? Greater test sophistication? Better nutrition? People have also gotten taller…. Greatest increases have been at lower socioeconomic status From more education? More stimulating environments? Less childhood disease? Smaller families and more parental investment? Flynn Effect