Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring OFCM Strategy for Providing Atmospheric Information Workshop December 3-5, 2001 Defense Environmental Data Control Col Michael Jamilkowski, Military Asst. for Environmental Monitoring Office of the Asst Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED2 Background/Basic Principles Age-Old Dilemma History/Evolution Law/Policy/Directives Since September 11, Summary and Way Ahead OVERVIEW
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED3 BACKGROUND/BASIC PRINCIPLES Basic/Historical National Security Principles: – During times of war or other contingencies, National Security intelligence information must be: -- Denied - Protected - Controlled – Intelligence Information control allows for: -- Information Superiority & Battlefield Dominance – Intelligence Information Includes Environmental Data – US/Allied Warfighter’s must have Environmental Intelligence (data) to gain advantage over adversaries Spectrum of Data Control: Complete DenialLimited DenialFree Access
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED4 Secure Info. Vs. Warfighter Access – How secure to make Information before Warfighter: – Access is effected? – Looses information advantage? – Utility is rendered ineffective? Solutions – More secure communications options – More secure bandwidth – State-of-the-Art communications timeliness – Encryption technology breakthroughs – Avoid over-classification of data/products AGE-OLD MILITARY DILEMMA
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED5 HISTORY/EVOLUTION Historically, many examples of environmental data control and denial exist Over the last 60 years some examples are: – World War II D-Day Invasion, Allied Theatre-wide Weather Data & Forecasts tightly controlled – Falklands War, Argentina denied Environmental Satellite Data – Persian Gulf War, Iraq denied all US/Allied environmental & some commercial regional data – Operations Noble Eagle/Enduring Freedom, Normal control of US/Allied environmental & some regional commercial data Illustrates tendency towards regional/selective control/denial
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED ACCESSACCESS Evolution of Access to DoD Polar-orbiting MetSat Data Early DMSP Shared DMSP 3-Hour DMSP 72-Hour DMSP Open* NPOESS HISTORY/EVOLUTION
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED7 LAW/POLICY/DIRECTIVES Public Law... DoD & NATO Procedures… DMSP Security Guide... PDD/NSTC-2, May 1994, NPOESS… DoD Space Policy, DoD Instructions... US Shutter Control Policy… Etc...
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED8 SINCE SEPTEMBER 11, Since 9/11/01 the U.S. Government has been preparing for and engaging in a long-term "war on terrorism” – May involve covert and counter-insurgent military operations in various parts of the world. Implication: Flexible "data denial" may be necessary – Accommodate periodic site-specific data denials – Associated with asymmetric war – Especially, w.r.t. International agreements
Defense Environmental Data Control Environmental Monitoring 12/3/01UNCLASSIFIED9 SUMMARY & WAY AHEAD Data Denial for National Security purposes still necessary – Perhaps more so since September 11th DoD will continue to maintain options for Data Denial – While striving to ensure data access to US/Allied forces Long-Term US Environmental Data Control evolving to: – Overall Greater Availability, esp. during peacetime – Selective Denial for limited/regional contingencies