ADA Survey Results N = 499 Completed Fall Spring 2010 Self-reported levels of familiarity with ADA, knowledge of who to report to, comfort with disclosing disability and asking for accommodations, and more…
Familiarity with the Americans with Disabilities Act %
Could You Explain To A Student or Employee What A “Reasonable Accommodation” Is? %
Do You Know Who To Contact If You or an Employee Needs Accommodation for a Disability? %
Do You Know Who To Contact If A Student Needs Accommodation for a Disability? %
Do You Know Who To Contact To Report An Environmental Barrier? %
If you had or have a disability do you feel comfortable reporting your disability and receiving accommodations? %
Questions Specifically for Supervisors Do you supervise employees in any capacity? “Yes” (N = 151)
Have you ever been asked to make an accommodation for an employee due to a disability? %
Did you involve human resources in the process of deciding whether to make an accommodation? %
Have you ever made an accommodation for an employee due to a disability? %
Did you involve human resources in the process of formulating a reasonable accommodation? %
Questions Specifically for Teachers Do you teach students? “Yes” (N = 144)
Have you ever been asked to make an accommodation for a student due to a disability? %
Have you ever made an accommodation for a student due to a disability? %
Did you involve the Office of Disability Accommodations in formulating a reasonable accommodation? %
Conclusions There’s room for improvement! Areas to be addressed: Knowing who to contact Better utilization of available resources on campus (e.g., ODA, Human Resources) Increasing comfort level with disclosures and accommodation requests Survey of students?