Effective Training: Strategies, Systems and Practices, 2nd Edition Chapter Nine Key Areas of Organizational Training
Session Overview Describe the importance and advantages of orientation training Describe the importance and advantages of sexual harassment training Describe the importance and advantages of team training Chapter 9
Orientation Training Orientation Training: “Used to assure a good match between company expectations and the new employee’s expectations” Example of 1-day orientation (p. 404) Example of 1-year orientation (p. 405) Chapter 9
Orientation Training Effective orientation is successful in: Reducing anxiety Reducing role ambiguity Reduce turnover Higher level of commitment More effective/efficient organization Chapter 9
Orientation Training: Importance Research demonstrates that attendance at an orientation: leads to higher likelihood of adopting organizational goals and values; Higher organizational commitment; Increased job satisfaction; More involvement; and A clear role understanding Chapter 9
Sexual Harassment Training “Is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964” (p. 423) Quid pro quo – an offer of some job perk by a supervisor in exchange for sexual favors Hostile work environment – verbal or physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment or interferes with an employee’s job performance Chapter 9
Sexual Harassment Facts A U.S. survey on sexual harassment reported that 15 percent of males said they were sexually harassed on the job. A survey indicated that about 80 percent of organizations offer some type of sexual harassment training. Since 1996, on average 16,000 complaints are filed each year Chapter 9
Sexual Harassment Training Sexual harassment training implementation: The first thing you do before development of any training is to put a sexual harassment policy and procedure into place Refresher training once a year is suggested to remind everyone of the importance of the issue. You should have a written exam at the end of training to measure learning. Chapter 9
What Experts Suggest is Necessary to Include in a Sexual Harassment Policy – According to attorneys and experts a policy protects your organization if it: States the organization has a strong opposition to sexual harassment Explains what it is with examples employees will find relevant to their jobs Establishes a clear procedure for reporting harassment that does not limit the reporting to a supervisor in the department or in Human Resources. Have a “hotline” dedicated to such reporting. Warns that violations could be punished by discipline that could include dismissal regardless of level in the organization. Pledges that investigations will be conducted promptly and there will be no retaliation for reporting such issues. Chapter 9
Dealing with Sexual Harassment (1 or 3) Set an example at the top Get their support for training, but also get their support in their behavior at work. Provide training Everyone needs to know what is acceptable and what is not. Provide information sessions with examples and role plays to make clear what is not appropriate. Check for understanding Labor lawyers strongly recommend having a written exam to measure learning at the end of training and retraining for those who do not meet the standard. If there is a law suit, this will show that everyone knew what was expected. Chapter 9
Dealing with Sexual Harassment (2 or 3) Refresher training Refresher training annually keeps everyone sensitive to the topic and up to date on current issues. Investigate complaints quickly Be sure there is an adequate complaint procedure that does not involve a person’s supervisor. Often it is the supervisor that is the problem. Respond quickly! You need to determine the merits of the case and if it appears meritorious, take steps ASAP to stop any unacceptable behavior. Chapter 9
Dealing with Sexual Harassment (3 or 3) Keep information confidential Only those directly involved should know about investigations. You don’t want people being intimidated because they filed a complaint. You may choose to remove the person from the work place during the complaint (with pay) to demonstrate complaints are taken seriously. Provide equal and effective punishment Guidelines regarding sexual harassment should be clear and penalties for violation severe. Those who violate the guidelines need to be dealt with no matter who they are in the organization. Chapter 9
Team Training Today about 70 percent of organizations in North America use teams. Advantages of teamwork include increased productivity. improved job satisfaction. lower absenteeism. Chapter 9