Project Litterbug NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Molly Scott Kieara Jones BreAnna Smith Mikelia Roby
Provide a better living environment Reduce trash on highways and byways Alert the people on effects they have on the community And overall lead the Baton Rouge community on the right path of a better and cleaner environment so it can set a better example for their children in the future
We traveled to various neighborhoods throughout the city of Baton Rouge and picked up litter. These communities needed much attention due to the substantial amount of waste and pollution (trash). We used flyers and posters to advertise to the community about the importance of keeping the community beautiful.
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Litter has become a big problem in our community, specifically in economic, social and wildlife terms Littering is a crime 94% of people see littering as an issue ;however, most still litter.
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Together and individually throughout Thanksgiving Break and December.
Greenwell Springs Regional Library Dufrocq Elementary BREC PARK
The different locations we visited allowed Project Litterbug to expand to various communities such as: Sherwood Forest Monticello Mid-City Park Forest Zion City Garden District BREC Park It impacted the people living in these neighborhoods by: It’s animal friendly because there is no trash for them to choke on Tidy front lawns Kids are not exposed to indecent items (cigarettes, beer bottles, contraception, narcotics, etc.)
We measured our success by the number of bags we collected. The overall cleanliness of each neighborhood after we finished. Let’s do the MATH… The average garbage collector makes about $16.55 per hour for 40 hours per week. That accumulates to $34,424 per year. We did a total of 8 services hours. $16.55 x 8 = $ We saved the city approximately $ by implementing Project Litterbug!!!!
Plan accordingly to the weather (avoid rain and cold) Dress accordingly (proper shoes, coats, clothes that you can get dirty) Carefully choose who you work with. ( Availability) Clear communication Know your neighborhood (safe locations)