History of IAB’s “Next Great Idea” activities and initial IAB formation
2 IAB Group Leaders 10/2005 – 5/2008Roman Hlutkowsky 6/2008 – 5/2009Russell Wooten 6/2009 – 5/2010Deborah Laudenslager 6/2010 – 5/2011Kazuo Takeda 6/2011 – 5/2012Bill Tolo 6/2012 – 5/2013Majid Abab Incoming: 6/2013 – 5/2014Dennis Oates
3 Creation of the IAB group –Initially Roman held discussions with IIE BOT and others, from his IAB group idea, back in October, 2005 (when he was IIE’s Senior Industry V.P.) –Wanted something separate from the CIE –Small core group fleshed out concept –Recruited members heavily at IIE Conference in Orlando (2006) –Started having monthly call-ins and saving common files on an IIE file server – Worked as entire IAB group during call-ins Startup (10/2005)
4 IAB Mission The mission of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is to build a strong foundation of support and communication between industry and the Institute of Industrial Engineers. The IAB will play a fundamental role in assisting IIE to achieve a position of relevance and prominence within industry. The IAB is composed of highly respected leaders in industry, government and academia from a wide spectrum of organizations that are strongly involved in the application of industrial engineering.
5 Main Functions of IEs (for H.S. Presentations & younger IEs) –Initially worked as entire IAB group –Later, a Sub-Team formed once working outline established –Reviewed draft content sections as entire IAB –Worked with IIE HQ to decide how best to use the finished product “IE Roles in Industry - What IE's Do" presentation “Next Great Idea” activity
6 YouTube Student IIE Chapter Video contest –Sub-Team formed & initial ground rules prepared –Sought donations for prizes –Established judging criteria and volunteers to judge –Coordinated with Donna Calvert (IIE HQ) on contest submittals and judging form submittals –Awarded prizes at IIE Annual Conference –Ran contest a 2 nd time two years later with more complex criteria for judging –Plan to run contest again 2012 (but go back to earlier, simpler – judging criteria) “Next Great Idea” activity
7 Marketing the IE Profession: –Sub-Team formed –Initially focused on developing an IAB logo and new IAB LinkedIn site –Active IAB LinkedIn site with ongoing topics for comments –Listed several other ideas for Marketing IAB & IIE that may need additional attention later “Next Great Idea” activity
8 Establish a Coaching/Advising program for newer working IE’s: –Sub-Team formed, including representatives from IIE’s Young Professionals group –Prepared instructions for setting up quarterly Coaching webinars (with IIE HQ help) –IAB volunteer Coordinators set up quarterly Coaching Webinar panel discussions –Panelists are senior IIE managers (from IAB and other IIE Leadership groups) –Have a Coaching/Advising panel session at the IIE Annual Conferences (including match-up activities following the panel session) –May soon create a database of Coaches/Advisors for Young Professionals to be able to access directly “Next Great Idea” activity
9 Help Strengthen IIE Senior Chapters: –Sub-Team formed, including some representatives from Regional V.P.s –Working directly with several Senior Chapters to see what help the IAB can offer that might help their Chapters –May focus on setting up a guest speakers list (organized by geographic location) to visit and speak to IIE Senior Chapters –Other ideas still in work… “Next Great Idea” activity Planned for