2 What is SMartBe ? Non profit Organisation Support tools for members’ activities No public funding Creative economy Social economy Société Mutuelle pour ARTistes
(Not so) atypical workers Develop multiple skills & jobs Undertake different roles: employer/employee (=> legal status) Have multiple employers Are highly mobile Complex legal framework & administration procedures
Our main objectives Secure the professional career of workers Provide adapted services and tools Develop the members’ autonomy & entrepreneurship Enhance the legal environment for portfolio careers
Activity Management service Clients, Institutions, Organisations Members and their collaborators Order formFinancial Agreements IPR Contract ExpensesIPR payment
Other services SMartBe’s income = 6.5% from handled contracts & activities Operating margins allow to provide members with: Mutual services: A mutualised guarantee fund Insurances for the workers Accompaniment Service Legal assistance Professional information sessions Advocacy Research Unit 25/10/ Support for development Microfinance Prefinancing of subsidies Adapted and affordable working space Fund for career development training Mobility services
SMart mobility services Information & knowledge (free & to all): advise on how to proceed & where to get information, best practices Legal advice on (free & to all): social security taxation issues, visa work permits & right of stay intellectual property rights
SMart mobility services Concrete actions: Can post employed workers provide A1 documents (ex E101) Make sure (all) the members’ contracts are secure, Undertake mediation with foreign contractors Insurances: - Business mobility : is a special insurance for members that covers assistance, compensation in case of accident, loss of luggage or cancellation of the flight, health insurance abroad etc - Civil liability - Insurance against accidents at work extended to private life EMIS
SMartEu Development 9 Belgium France Sweden Spain The Netherlands Germany Italy Hungary Austria
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