Canadian History 122 Tuesday 15 th September
Last Class Review Evidence Work of Historians Benchmarks of Historical Thinking –Significance, Evidence, Cause & Consequence, Continuity & Change, Historical Perspective-Taking, Historical Judgment
Today: Tuesday 15 th September 1.Each student should have a basic understanding of the causes of European colonialization of North America and the effect it had on Aboriginal people 2.Each student should begin to think about the nature of the relationship between English and French colonists and Europeans and Aboriginal peoples 3.Each student should have a basic understanding of conditions faced by early European settlers upon arrival and throughout the first 150 years of life here in the New World.
Timeline of Canada’s Main Historical Periods Pre-Contact: 30kBC European Explorations – The French Period The British Period – Canada – the Nation – Present
Reasons for European Explorations of the Americas C The Renaissance Trade with Asia New Wealth – mercantilism Power Colonization
Key Explorers in North America C.1000 – Leif Ericson (Norse Voyages) – John Cabot (England) – Jacques Cartier (France) 1577 – Sir Francis Drake (England) 1583 – Humphrey Gilbert (England) – Frobisher and David (England) – Samuel de Champlain (France) – Henry Hudson (England)
But what about the people who were living here already? Atlas of Canada
Consequences of European Arrival on Aboriginal Society (Long Term) 1.Clash of Beliefs (ie, traditional values vs. Christian/European values toward nature) 2.Breakdown of Native culture (values and traditions disrupted by European ways) 1.New technology changed hunting practices and lifestyle of subsistence 2.Fur trade changed hunting patterns as people hunted for profit not survival 3.Alcohol – caused families and communities to breakdown 4.Diet – European foods changed way of life and health
Consequences of European Arrival on Aboriginal Society (Long Term) 3.Loss of political power (Europeans expected to govern) 4.Loss of land (traditional spirituality and lifestyle lost without land- “Mother Earth” 5.Disease – 90% of all aboriginal people died within 100 years of European arrival due to new diseases like measles, small pox, TB, and influenza. Natives had no immunities or medicines to protect against these diseases. Populations never recovered. 1.In 1500 there were more than one million aboriginal people living in modern Canada, 5 million in the USA and another 40 million in Central and South America – More than in Europe!
European Benefits From Aboriginal Civilization 1.Survival methods in harsh climates 2.Hunting techniques 3.Fishing & Fur trapping 4.Transportation (canoe, showshoe, toboggan) 5.Clothing – Skins, hides, moccasins for N. American conditions 6.Wild foods (edible plants, berries, roots, nuts and mushrooms) 7.Native medicines – healing plants – cedar tea, calmus root, pine, highbush cranberry, etc.
Tomorrow: Wednesday 15 th September Life in early Quebec (AKA Lower Canada) following the conquest of 1759 What is this?
Tomorrow: Wednesday 15 th September Life in early Quebec?