Lower Back Pain Management
Diagnoses Low back pain DDD Facet joint syndrome Sciatica Piriformis syndrome Disc herniation Sprain / Strain Muscle spasm
Low Back Pain
Arthritis/Degenerative Changes Maintain mobility (ROM) Strengthen +++ Address muscle imbalances Typical radiological finding Symptomatic / Non-symptomatic Anterolisthesis / Posterolisthesis
Sciatica Lumbar nerve roots Piriformis Sacro-iliac joint
Nerve Root Compression Foraminal vs Central Stenosis
Sacro-Iliac Joints
Neurological vs Mechanical Origins Neurological - Pain into the leg - Pins and needles, burning, numbness in the leg - Dermatomes/myotomes - Diminished reflexes - Lateral shifting, its causes and its relevance - SLR test
Neurological vs Mechanical Origins Mechanical - Primary area of pain is in the lumbar area - There may be pain in the buttock or down the leg, almost always above the knee - Neurological tests are negative
Sciatica Maintain / Improve mobility (ROM) Strengthen +++ Address imbalances / stabilize Monitor pain, weakness
Disc Herniations
Avoid constant and repetitive flexion movements - Crunches - Bike - Reading / TV in bed, counter top use Favor extension - Strengthen in this position
Sprains Rest / remain active Ice
Muscle Spasms
Massage Ice / Heat Light stretching Use of muscle relaxants – When and Why?
Early Referral to Physiotherapy Ehrmann-Feldman et al with early referral, increase chance of return to work in less than 60 days Wand et al increase function, mood, quality of life, general health - assess/advise/treat model of care is more beneficial than a assess/advise/wait model for acute lower back pain
Treatment Protocol pain - treat the cause, not the symptoms - differentiate the cause of pain ROM Strengthen / stabilize Educate the patient on dos and don’ts, ergonomics, lifestyles, sports
Long Term Stabilization and Reconditioning exercises “Core stability” Lifestyle adaptation (work/sports/leisure) Prevention +++
Our Clientele 85% Private patients 15% - CSST - SAAQ - insurance companies
Multi-disciplinary Approach Physiotherapy Physiotherapy / Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation - PT - OT - AT - Osteopathy - Psychology (as needed)
Occupational Therapy Case managers Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) Rehabilitation Programs Driving Evaluations PT – OT Splinting Communication +++
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