Revision time!!! Ireland/WWII – complete the review cloze in your booklet - review exam material (including AS1.4 Tables and actual exam papers) -“I have… who has…?” - WWII (2008): watch again the “Outbreak of WWII” DVD - write a practise assessment; peer marking - AS1.3 practise
2007 Origins of WWII FQ1 = Treaty; League; pacts of the 1920s FQ2 = aggressive actions of the 1930s (“MAnRAbRt eats SpaniCh) FQ3 = appeasement (anschluss, Sudetenland); outbreak and spread of war (Germany, Italy, Japan)
In groups, grade each of the essays using the checklist above. Make brief notes to back up your grade. What aggressive actions by European and Asian nations threatened world peace between 1930 and 1937? How did nations and organisations respond to these aggressive actions?
2004 FQ1 = Home Rule; rival armies; outbreak of WWI FQ2 = IVF split over WWI; Easter Rising; rise of Sinn Fein; Dail Eireann. FQ3 = rise of Sinn Fein; Dail Eireann; Anglo- Irish War/Treaty; Irish Civil War; Northern Ireland.
In groups, grade the essay using the checklist above. Make brief notes to back up your grade. What views did different groups in Ireland have on the issue of Home Rule in the period ? How did they respond to the introduction of the third Home Rule bill in the British parliament up to the end of 1914?
In groups, grade the essays using the checklist above. Make brief notes to back up your grade. What did the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising hope to achieve? (2003) Establish an Irish Republic ‘Blood sacrifice’ Social justice General uprising against the British How did the Rising affect events in Ireland between 1916 and the end of 1919? 1918 election Formation of Dail Eireann Start of Anglo-Irish War
2005 Question
2006 Question
2002 In what ways did the terms of the Treaty of Versailles cause German anger? Loss of German territory Controls on Germany’s armed forces Responsibility for causing WWI What measures were taken in the period to maintain peace? The idea of collective security through a League of Nations Locarno Treaty Dawes Plan Kellogg-Briand pact