An Introduction to Equality and Diversity
Points for today Understand the legislative requirements of The Equality Duty Understand the difference between Equality & Diversity Some Equality Statistics An introduction to Language and Communication Understand why EQIA is important Other points of interest Know who can help you
Background Legislation Equal Pay Act (1970) Sex Discrimination Act (1975) Race Relations Act (1976) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991) DDA (1995) Children’s Act (Scotland) 1995 Disability Duties (December 2005 ) Race Relations Amendment Act (2000) Trades Union & Labour Relations Consolidation Act (1992) Scotland Act (1998) Human Rights Act (1998) Employment Act (2000) Part-time workers regulations (2000) Gender Recognition Act (2004) Gender Duties (2007) EU Regulations (2003) for Sexual Orientation, Religion and Faith and (2006)Age Patients Rights Bill (2008)
Combined Public Sector Duties require NHS Boards to ensure that they: Promote equality of opportunity. Eliminate unlawful discrimination Eliminate harassment Promote good relations between people of different communities Encourage participation by disabled people in public life. Promote positive attitudes towards disabled people. Take steps to meet disabled people’s needs, (even if this requires more favourable treatment).
Age Disability Gender Race/Ethnicity Religion/Faith Sexual Orientation Equality Strands Women & Men Black & Minority Ethnic People Children & Young People Older People Disabled People Lesbians Gay men Bisexuals Transgender people People of different faith & religious backgrounds Target Groups Poverty Mental Health Homelessness Involvement in the Criminal Justice System Marital/Relationship Status Language or Social Origins Cross Cutting Issues Scottish Government Guidance
Changing times….. Diversity AgeRaceGender Sexual OrientationReligionDisability
Glasgow : A Multicultural City Glasgow : A Multicultural City
Definitions Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfill their potential. It is mostly backed by legislation designed to address unfair discrimination based on membership of a particular group. Diversity is about the recognition and valuing of difference in its broadest sense. It is about creating a culture and practices that recognise, respect, value and harness difference for the benefit of the patients, carers, members of the public and members of staff.
Disease Statistics People of Indian and Pakistani origin living in Scotland have an increased incidence of 60-70% of having a heart attack (Bhopal 2006) The incidence of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Minority Ethnic communities in Glasgow is 8% compared to 3% in the indigenous population. (NRCEMH 2004)
Race/Ethnicity 42% of the total Scottish black & minority population live in Greater Glasgow & Clyde 5.2% of Glasgow’s population are from Black Minority Ethnic communities (not including asylum seekers). 0.7% of Glasgow’s population are Chinese. The Irish are the largest ethnic minority group in the UK.