General Secretary Dave Prentis Elected by full membership Regional Officers Nominated by Branches Regional Officers Nominated by Branches Branch Officers Elected by members Branch Officers Elected by members Branch Officers Elected by members Branch Officers Elected by members Full-time officials Administrators Unelected National Executive Elected by members
Pensions Dispute raise the state pension age to 68, with further increases later decrease the contributions from employers to 1/100th of their employees annual salaries. Career Average Scheme (CARE) as opposed to a Final Salary Scheme
November 30th Prentis pledged to prevent Unison members: Working longer Paying more Getting less ‘one day of strike action will not be enough’
Heads of Agreement no challenge to the increase in state pension age no challenge to the Career Average Scheme In return: unions would be able to challenge how high employee/employer contributions would be prevent implementation of a new pensions scheme for a few years
May 31 st Local Govt Pensions Deal no protection against an increase in state retirement age all contributions from employees, though there would be no increase, would be calculated on the basis of the state retirement age. CARE over FSS Ballot 30th July – 27th August 2012, right on top of the school holidays
Dave Prentis’ speech to conference no mention of pensions proposal to launch a new campaign ‘our battle ground will be pay’ ‘our union is tougher than the times we are living in’ ‘There’s more action in our union than all the other unions put together’ ‘It’s about being truthful to yourself and truthful to your members…leadership is about listening’
Questions What is the motivation behind this kind of political manoeuvring? How can we prevent leaderships from ignoring their members? What kind of union do we want to see?