Owen Accas - Dan Crossen - Rebecca Irwin - Madeline Liccione - Hao Shi
Double Stance Time Propagator (RK 4)
Single Stance a o
Current Prototype Parameter s Proposed System Parameters Units of Parameter Number of spokes 55Quantity Length of legs m Mass per spoke Kg Inertia per spoke Kg·m 2 Mass of inertia wheel Kg Inertia of inertia wheel Kg·m 2 k-value of spring 37N·m/rad
10mm diameter aluminum Assume no tension/compression or insignificant tension/compression Shear modulus = 26 GPa Area = Pi*(.01m)^2=pi*10^-4 m^2 Shear failure at ~204 million Newtons which is approximately 45.8 million lbs This strength will more than account for the forces seen on the axle in shear
Worst case: 1 plate rigid, 1 side has full torque Full torque = (40 lbs/spring)*(2 springs)*1.5 in =120 in-lbs Bending force on each brace =(120 in-lbs)/(14 inches)/(5 braces) =1.714 lbs/brace, therefore assume 2.5 lbs with a safety factor
Shear Strength = 10,500 PSI With 100 pounds, we would need a cross sectional area of in^2 or greater to avoid failure With 2.5 lbs (calculated on previous slide), we would see no failure at all, as the pvc we are using has an area of.256 in^2 These will ad.172 kg to entire frame, but add.0217 kg-m^2 of inertia (about 20% increase)
The core material we intend to use is Core- Cell Foam, a boat building and repair supply Relatively inexpensive Very strong Readily attainable Thin Low density
Balsa wood is also a popular core material for composites applications Deemed to be more expensive Not as strong Similarly thin Higher density than Core-cell
SAE Boeing Carbon fiber is our selected coat Incredibly strong, especially in tension and compression (along the weave) Very thin Very consistent Aesthetically pleasing Would be expensive (~34.99 per 50” x 30”) ◦ We have a free connection to needed amount
Fiberglass was another option for our top coat Less expensive than carbon, if we had to buy Not quite as strong Most fiber weaves are more random Similar material properties, carbon is free
2 Gyroscopes (L3GD20) – mA =.0462 W 1 Encoder (E5)– 5 50 mA =.25 W Current Sensor (ACS714) – mA = ~negligible Microcontroller = 0.246mW Total Power = 0.307W
Requested Specs: <.5 Deg/Sec accuracy (doesn't make sense, since we will go through about 360 Deg in a second) E5 Encoder: 1024 CpR=.35 Deg sensitivity E5 Encoder: RPS maximum (300KHz max count frequency)
Requested Specs: <.1 Deg/Sec accuracy L3GD20: +/- 500 Deg/Sec and 400kHz sampling means resolution of deg This is the same Gyro as is currently used in the prototype
Using NiMH batteries for safety and for voltage matching (1.2V steps), as well as cost (<$3 per battery), ease of replacement, and rechargeablity.
No specific specs provided Sampling rate of 500 Hz depends upon processor Using error of 2% as spec
Amps If this motor were on all the time, we would be looking at 61 W, and a cost of transport of approximately 3.36, way over our goal. Therefore, we would like to estimate the CoT when our motor is only on for 1/10 th of a second CoT =.358
There are certain ways to obtain our goal of.05 CoT We looked at getting a larger motor (increased performance & weight). This decreases the amount of time the motor must be active (1/40 th of a second) and increases the denominator of CoT equation. Can rotate ¼ turn in.00625, but we are accounting for negating torque so we assume.02 seconds (max of 2500 RPMs) CoT = (90 W*(.02 s)+.5)/(51 N*.5 m)=.9
Part nameQuantityCost/item ($/item)Total cost ($)Obtained Lead Times (estimated) Frame plate foam 1 – 44in x 88 in x 9.5 mm $77 Buy from Core-Cell1 week Carbon Overlay2 m^200RIT Baja1 day Resin Overlay1 gallon$65 Buy from Core-Cell1 week Hardener1 quart$23.50 Buy from Core-Cell1 week Mounting platesTotal of 1300Machine shop/self machined3 days Hollow axle1$0 - $20 May custom order or2 weeks Spring Pulley2$10$20Self machine/bearing from McMaster2 weeks Axle Pulley2$20$40Self machine/bearing from McMaster2 weeks Small, Solid Axle100Self machine/bearing from McMaster2 days Batteries 1 – 16pk of AA NiMH $38 Amazon2 weeks Gyroscope2$25$50Pololu2 weeks Current Sensor6$4$24Online (will update when known)2 weeks Encoder1$90.63 US Digital2 weeks
Part nameQuantityCost/item ($/item)Total cost ($)Obtained Lead Times (estimated) Microcontroller (PCB) 2$50 or free$60Advanced Circuits Decoupling components 10+$0.05$1+Digikey, Mouser Motor Isolation (PCB) 2$50$60Advanced Circuits Motor Isolation (components) 10+$0.05$1+Digikey, Mouser Electronic Storage1Unknown
Part nameQuantityCost/item ($/item)Total cost ($)Obtained Lead Times (estimated) Motor1$299 Teknic1 day – 4 weeks Motor Control Kit1$200 or free$200TI2 weeks Microprocessor220$40Not found yet1 week WiresVarious (a lot)~$0.00$10Hardware store/scrap2 days PVC Braces5Not found yet<$20Not found yet2 days Springs2<$20<$40McMaster Carr1 week StringApprox. 10 feetUnknown$0 - $5Hardware store2 days Voltage Sensor6Not found yet<$40Online (will update when known)2 weeks Bike wheel100 Member has unused bike to commandeer 1 week Various FastenersVarious $0 - $16.11hardware store/scrap/McMaster5 days Microcontroller Dev kit 1 up to $100 or free $100Texas Instruments TOTAL COST $ $ (this is with $200 learning MC Kit) TOTAL COST $ $928.24(w/o learning MC Kit)