September 16, 2015
Pick a section in your notebook or binder to record “Random Words.” Starting today, you will be responsible for recording “Random Words” in your notebook/binder. You will be quizzed on your knowledge of Random Words throughout the year. Perhaps write down a way to remember the sign.
Monday (M) Tuesday (T) Wednesday (W) Thursday (H) Friday (F) Saturday (S) Sunday (praise)
January (fs - JAN) February (fs – FEB) March (fs – MAR) April (fs – APR) May (fs – MAY) June (fs – JUNE) July (fs - #JULY) August (fs – AUG) September (fs – SEPT) October (fs – OCT) November (fs – NOV) December (fs – DEC)
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Which?
When is your birthday? [YOU BIRTHDAY WHEN YOU] My birthday is. [MY BIRTHDAY WHEN? MONTH DAY ME.]
Add up to six Random Words for today’s class! REMEMBER TO BE SILENT AS YOU COME INTO CLASS!
What is your favorite color? YOU COLOR FAVORITE WHAT YOU? My favorite color is. ME FAVORITE COLOR WHAT? ME.
Go around the room and ask classmates the colors of objects in ASL. You must ask AT LEAST three questions and answer three questions. (point to object) COLOR WHAT?
SILENTLY! Remember to enter SILENTLY! page 48 Take out your Master ASL! Textbook and read page 48 on “Deaf Culture.” You may also add “Random Words” to the board.
Why do you think hearing people prefer the term “hearing impaired”? Why do you think the Deaf prefer the term “deaf”? Can you think of any other cultures that develop pride in their minority status (or abnormality)?
Vocabulary on pg Vocabulary on pg. 47 Classroom Exercise D: With a partner, ask and answer the questions (#1-8) on page 46 silently.
Read pages in your textbook on “What is deafness?”
pages Review the vocabulary on pages with your group SILENTLY. Add Random Words to the board. This time is your additional time to practice vocabulary – USE IT! This time is your additional time to practice vocabulary – USE IT!
On a half sheet of paper, answer the question in complete sentences: What is the difference between “deaf” and “Deaf”?
Vocabulary on pg. 50 Vocabulary on pg. 55 Classroom Exercise K (#2 on pg. 58) Vocabulary on pg. 59
American Sign Language
page 38 Review the vocabulary on page 38with your group SILENTLY. Add Random Words to the board. This time is your additional time to practice vocabulary – USE IT! This time is your additional time to practice vocabulary – USE IT!
Go around the room and ask classmates the colors of objects in ASL. You must ask AT LEAST three questions and answer three questions. (point to object) COLOR WHAT?
New Vocab: Cold, Warm, Hot To silently practice the months, ask your partner about a certain month’s temperature. Then, your partner should respond. Sign with every person in the room. To ask the question: (SPELL A MONTH) TEMPERATURE WHAT? To answer the question: (SPELL THE MONTH) DEIXIS (HOT/COLD/WARM)
Review the following for the test on Wednesday: Unit Two Vocabulary (pg. 38) Colors Months Days Fingerspelling Numbers