i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Achieving Sustainable Rural Development through Partnership Experiences & Lessons Learned
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Defining Art.6 „Partnership“: Levels of Participation Level 1:Information (provision of information, public relations, „hearing“) Level 2:Consultation (feedback, dialogue, „round table“) Level 3:Co-operation (preparation of decisions up to co- decision) Partnership: placed between levels 2 and 3 Depending on institutional and financial responsibilities … of all partners > information
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Participation within Rural Development: Advantages (in Theory) Advantages: Result has higher (political) legitimacy and tax-payers acceptance Improvement of programme: Reflection of ecological and social aspects, higher innovation potential Objectification: Interests instead of positions, mutual learning, conflict settlement through dialogue More engagement in implementation, longterm sustainable solutions facilitated by stakeholder acceptance
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Participation within RD: Disadvantages (expected) Disadvantages: Loss of control over final decision Costs of the process (time and money) Opportunity costs for NGOs (environmental as well as agricultural) -> participation trap?
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer First Experiences in Austria: AE Advisory Committee Members: regional agriculture and nature conservation authorities, NGOs, (federal environment ministry), chair: ministry of agriculture -> forum of experts, not politicians -> Objectification Tasks: Evaluation of AE programme, integration of results into programme development, allocation of budget for studies -> Improvement of programme by complementing agriculture targets through the social and environmental perspecitve, prevention of (public) criticism Standing orders: votes by majority, recommendations to the agri minister, formal protocols known to DG Environment -> high influence, ongoing dispute-settlement
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Participation within the Preparation of the Austrian RD Plan: LE Elaboration of RD Plan as participatory project, lead and final responsibility with ministry of agriculture (& environment) Core: 7 (+4) working groups, reflecting the 3 RD axis, from end 2004 – end 2005 Members: authorities (federal ministry, regional agriculture and nature conservation authorities), agriculture chamber, partly chamber of commerce, partly organic farmers representatives; around 150 experts 3-4 conferences (Kick-Off Nov. 04, Mai 05, 1-2 further conferences planned, e.g. to the national strategy plan) Internet-platform, opportunity to post and publish contributions
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Preparation of the Austrian RD Plan: Lessons Learned Clear responsibilites: esp. SPC for internal and external needs Connection between technical and political level: bad connection can slow down the whole process, mutual loyality Clear definition of roles: final decision lies with the minister Planning of process: example LEADER, broad kick-off, followed by various participation instruments Diversity of needs: needs to be reflected through different instruments and intensities of participation Provision of information: extensive; adequate resources need to be allocated! (protocols to detailled, reports to far advanced) Cross-axis consistency: Matrix-WGs (z.B. nature conservation, forestry), co-ordination between heads of working groups
i m p a c t Euronatur Conference Bonn, Sept 7th, 2005 impact | policy consulting simone lughofer Conclusion: „Proactive Approach to Partizipation“ Structured process instead of singular interventions: better control and budgetary planning Transparency: change of ministerial culture necessary, needs strong high-level commitment Good opportunity for integrated consideration of funding measures (whilest seperate in implementation) Broad agricultural debate on high level: WGs with 150 experts -> Capacity building and better mutual understanding between actors as side-effect Open issue: Resources for NGO-participation, particularly with view on the monitoring committees