Question 1a What is the cartoonist’s message? What should my answer look like? Explain what the source is trying to say about the situation Eg: “The message of this cartoon is...” Use a source detail to illustrate its message Eg: “For example, in the cartoon we can see that....” Single Paragraph (you may use three if you wish to show the three aspects that you have addressed) Use you own knowledge to explain the context/background of the source Eg: “At this time....” Content tips: - What is the expleoding cigar a metaphor for? What went wrong JFK in Cuba in 1961? MESSAGE (7)
Question 1b Explain why the Cuban Missile Crisis ended peacefully. What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 (PEE) Paragraph 2 (PEE) Explain one reason the USA offered aid : Eg: One reason it ended peacefully was because.... For example they… This led to a peaceful resolution because... Explain a second reason : Eg: Another reason it ended peacefully was because.... For example they… This led to a peaceful resolution because... Content tips: - Explain the role of the Blockade - Explain why it was important the US did not respond to the attack on its spy plane. - Explain the role of the letters / US withdrawal of Turkish missiles. EXPLAIN (8)
Question 2a or 3a 2a) Describe what happened during the Berlin Blockade? 3a) Describe how the USA fought the war in Vietnam? What should my answer look like? Single Paragraph Simple description! Eg: Four clear specific details or two expanded in more detail. Content tips: 2a) Explain the event NOT why it began/ended i.e. details of the USSR’s Blockade (how did they do it?) and the West’s response (Airlift details – how? Why? Duration?). 3a) Describe US tactics/weapons only NOT problems and NOT Vietcong tactics – Air Support, Bombing missions i.e. Rolling Thunder, Use of weapons such as Agent Orange/Napalm, Search and Destroy tactics etc. DESCRIBE (4)
Question 2b or 3b 2b) Why were there disagreements at the Potsdam conference? 3b) Explain why the Kennedy and Johnson got increasubgly involved in Vietnam? What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain one reason: Eg: One reason was,.... This was significant because... (go into a lot of detail that helps answer the question) Add a final summative sentence that links back to the question. Explain a second reason : Eg: Furthermore, a second reason was... This was important because... (go into a lot of detail that helps answer the question) Add a final summative sentence that links back to the question. Content tips: 2b) Change in leaders led to increased suspicion, A-Bomb testing, German Reparations, USSR created a puppet government in Poland. 3b) Stop spread of communism from spreading south as Diem was weak; Gulf of Tonkin and Resolution; Morally- locked in after Diem’s assassination; protection of airbases required ground troops; Quagmire theory; to be seen as a cold warrior, Role of Advisors, Domino Theory/Containment EXPLAIN (6)
Question 2c ‘The Marshall Plan was an attempt by the USA to control Europe.’ How far do you agree? What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Explain how it was I would agree because … For example… This helped the USA to control Europe because … (Explain what money did and how it helped containment/developed allies) Explain how it wasn’t I would not fully agree because … For example… This helped shows that it didn’t help USA to control Europe because … (Explain that the money was offered to the USSR and Eastern Euruope as well… Explain that it led to furture tensions… Explain that it was also a practical reponse – Europe did need help to rebuild!) Conclude How Far??? Paragraph 2 Conclusion DEBATE (10) +3 SPAG
Question 3c “Do you agree that reporting of the Vietnam War by the media was the most important reason why the USA withdrew its troops? What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Explain how it was. Yes I would agree … For example … this led to withdrawal because … Focus on How Tet and Mai Lai reporting led to negative publicity and protests etc. Explain how it wasn’t just reporting On the other hand I would not agree … For example … this led to withdrawal because … Ie: Military failure and cost - Impossible to pin the VC and NVA down in pitched battles and win conventional victories. US tactics were poorly suited to the situation. The VC was more resilient. VC had successful surprise attacks eg: Tet in Army lacked cohesion and couldn’t function (fragging). Conclude by answering the question directly: How far???? Paragraph 2 Conclusion DEBATE ( Spag)
Mark scheme 2015 Marks within Levels. Where multiple marks are available with a level award at top of level more detailed and fully developed answers and weaker answers that just meet the descriptor at the bottom. SPAG 1 mark for brief answers or answers with significant SPAG issues i.e. frequent errors 2 marks for an average response with reasonable structure and some SPAG mistakes i.e. several errors. 3 marks for a near perfect response with few issues i.e. less than 2-3 mistakes and well structured.
1a Level 4 (6-7 marks) – Explains message with support of source detail AND clear contextual awareness/details to support (must inc. awareness of Political and Practical Disaster for 7 marks). Level 3 (4-5 marks) - Explains message with support of source detail OR clear contextual awareness supported by contextual details. Level 2 (3 marks) – Message only unsupported (i.e. Bay of Pigs/Cuba has gone wrong for JFK). Level 1 (1-2 marks) – Answers based on surface features of source only.
1b Level 4 (6-8 marks) – Explains multiple reasons (2 nd reason 6-7) and 3 rd Reason (7-8) as per level 3. Level 3 (4-5 marks) - Explains 1 reason. Must be well developed with detailed support for 5 marks. Level 2 (2-3 marks) – Identifies/Describes reasons i.e. Role of Letters, Turkish Missiles, Blockade, U2 restraint. Level 1 (1 mark) – Answers based on assertion/vague relevance.
2a/3a 5 marks Marks awarded for identification of relevant points. 1 mark per point. +1 mark for developed reasoning and/or +1 mark for additional supporting detail. NB. Max 3 marks for any one developed point. 2a) Explain the event NOT why it began/ended i.e. details of the USSR’s Blockade (how did they do it?) and the West’s response (Airlift details – how? Why? Duration?). 3a) Describe US tactics/weapons only NOT problems and NOT Vietcong tactics – Air Support, Bombing missions i.e. Rolling Thunder, Use of weapons such as Agent Orange/Napalm, Search and Destroy tactics etc.
2b/3b Level 4 (7 marks) – Explains 2 nd Reason. Level 3 (4-6 marks) - Explains 1 reason. Must be well developed with detailed support for 6 marks. 5 for a standard reponse. 4 for a weak response. Level 2 (2-3 marks) – Identifies/Describes. Level 1 (1 mark) – Answers based on assertion/vague relevance. MUST be PEE for level 3+ 2b) Change in leaders led to increased suspicion, A-Bomb testing, German Reparations, USSR created a puppet government in Poland. 3b) Stop spread of communism from spreading south as Diem was weak; Gulf of Tonkin and Resolution; Morally-locked in after Diem’s assassination; protection of airbases required ground troops; Quagmire theory; to be seen as a cold warrior, Role of Advisors, Domino Theory/Containment
2c/3c Level 5 (7-8 marks) – Reaches conclusion having achieved L4 first. Conclusion must evaluate How far and reach a supported judgement for 8 marks. Conclusions that just summarise previous points remain on L4 – must be a judgement for L5! Level 4 (5-6 marks) – Explains 2 side/opposite argument. Level 3 (3-4 marks) - Explains 1 side/argument. Must be well developed with detailed support for 6 marks. 5 for a standard reponse. 4 for a weak response. Level 2 (2 marks) – Identifies/Describes. Level 1 (1 mark) – Answers based on assertion/vague relevance. 2c – Explains how Marshall plan was a political ploy linked to containment AND How it was also a practical necessity/was also offered to Soviet countries/led to future tension. 3c – Explains how media influenced i.e. Mai Lai/Tet impact on Public Relations AND other factors such as Military Failure/Protest/Cost etc.