What led to the writing of the Declaration Of Independence and the Revolutionary War?
French and Indian War Britain helped colonists defeat French in war Britain needed money to pay for war expenses Taxed colonists, restricted settlements and limited self-govt.
Sugar Act and Stamp Act British taxed colonists on many of the goods coming into the colonies from other places British imposed taxes upon all paper products and stamped the item once the tax had been played.
Colonists react… “No Taxation Without Representation! ”
Various protests: Patrick Henry’s speech Sons and Daughters of Liberty Benjamin Franklin’s visit to Parliament Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party Lower price on British tea Colonists still pay taxes Boycotted British tea Sons of Liberty dressed in disguise and dumped British tea overboard
King George III passes the “Intolerable Acts” The Royal Navy blockades the Boston Harbor so no colonial goods could be sent out until tea was paid for. Colonists had to quarter the British soldiers. The King assigned British General Gage to be Massachusetts governor.
First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia
Conflict at Lexington and Concord British General Gage learns of hidden weapons in Concord Two lanterns hung in church tower to warn the British coming by “sea” (Charles River) Paul Revere and William Dawes make midnight ride to warn Minutemen of approaching British soldiers
Second Continental Congress Representatives brought money to help establish… the Continental Army (i.e. pay soldiers, buy guns, bullets, food, and uniforms
Second Continental Congress Also decided to create a committee to write a document declaring the colonies’ independence….called the Declaration of independence
FREEDOM!! Representatives of the colonies met to decide how to break free from England. Solution: The Declaration of Independence!
independence : (n) the freedom to govern on one’s own. declaration : (n) an official statement
Enlightenment Ideas The basis of the Declaration of Independence are the ideas from the Enlightenment –A time period in which ideas about freedom, human rights and limitations on government were freely exchange –Occurring mainly in Europe, but the ideas were spreading to the new world
Enlightenment Thinkers Thomas HobbesJohn Locke
Enlightenment Thinkers Thomas Hobbes Began idea of the SOCIAL CONTRACT –Idea: governments exist to protect its citizens and their rights. In return, the citizens surrender their power to the government. Believed that man could be brutish and cruel John Locke Enhanced the idea of the SOCIAL CONTRACT –Idea: in addition to Hobbes’ idea, thought that the people had the right to overthrow the government if it failed to protect its citizens Believed that each person has a right to “LIFE, LIBERTY AND PROPERTY”
Ideas of John Locke Had the greatest influence on the development of the Declaration of Independence – especially the idea of “unalienable rights”
Ideas of Thomas Paine Released a pamphlet titled “Common Sense” on January 9, 1776 –47 pages –Argued for breaking away from Great Britain –Popular because it was written as a common person speaking = wider audience –Sold 500,000 copies
Ideas of Thomas Paine Ideas: –Monarchies are not fair –People – not kings or queens – should make the laws –“A government of our own is our natural right” –Colonies should demand their independence from Great Britain
Members of the Committee Benjamin Franklin John Adams Robert R. Livingston Roger Sherman Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson’s Role Main author of the document Heavily influenced by Locke’s ideas –Unalienable rights – Rights include: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” Wrote that King George III had violated colonists’ rights –Unfair laws –Interfering with self-government –Taxation with representation –Keeping an army present
Jefferson’s Key Argument The colonies have the right to break away from Great Britain –Idea found in the SOCIAL CONTRACT Remember – from Hobbes – rulers should protect the rights of their citizens and in exchange the citizens agree to be governed Because King George III broke the SOCIAL CONTRACT, the colonists no longer had to obey him
Where did it all take place? This is a replica of the Graff house where Jefferson wrote the majority of the 1 st draft of the Declaration of Independence. The original building (at this location) was destroyed in 1888.
What did it look like? Who wrote the first draft?
Approved on July 4, 1776 Who signed it first?
The Two Sides Patriots “Give me liberty, or give me death!” – Patrick Henry Very vocal in their opinions Circulated many pamphlets supporting the break from Great Britain Loyalists Also called “Tories” Targets of Patriot abuse 100,000 fled the colonies Did not think independence was necessary British rule as the best way to maintain peace