Southeast Beef Cattle Short Course | August 24 th
Looking Ahead Photo credit: Noble Foundation.
Looking Ahead Photo credit: Noble Foundation.
Looking Ahead Photo credit: Noble Foundation.
Bermudagrass Pasture – 2011 Breakdown of Projected Costs
Bahiagrass vs. Bermudagrass
Bahiagrass vs. Bermudagrass Fertilization BahiagrassPotassium LoMedHighV. High Phosphorus Lo *-80-80*-80-40*-80-0 Med *-40-80*-40-40*-40-0 High *-0-80*-0-40*-0-0 V. High *-0-80*-0-40*-0-0 Bermuda grass Potassium LoMedHighV. High Phosphorus Lo * *-60-65*-60-30*-60-0 Med * *-30-65*-30-30*-30-0 High *-0-120*-0-65*-0-30*-0-0 V. High *-0-120*-0-65*-0-30*-0-0
Warm Season Perennial Grass Variety Trial – Tifton (avg. over )
Option - Stocker Calves on Bahiagrass Photo credit: Clemson Univ. ADGGain Stocking Rate Grazing Time (lbs/hd/d)(lb/acre)(hd/acre)(days) Pensacola (bahia) Coastal Coastcross I Tifton Tifton (top) Utley et al., J. Anim. Sci. 38: (bottom) Hill et al., J. Anim. Sci. 71:
Bermudagrass Hay Production – 2011 Breakdown of Projected Costs per Ton $94.94/ton
Soil Test and Follow Fertility Recommendations Sample hayfields every year and 1/3 of your pastures each year.
Use of Urea-Based Products Without AN, users of N face risky alternatives. NH 3 volatilization loss Urease is abundant in thatch & organic layers High N use in hay. Ammonium Nitrate Urea
The Effectiveness of Some Alternative N Sources at Low, Medium, and High Fertilization Rates on Hybrid Bermudagrasses (Relative to Ammonium Nitrate). Nitrogen SourceFertilization Rates < 200 lbs* lbs> 400 lbs Ammonium Nitrate 100% Amm. Sulfate 95-97%95-105%60-70% Anhyd. Ammonia 92-94%93-95%94-95% UAN Solution 80-85%85-92%92-95% Urea 79-82%82-92%88-93% * Actual lbs of N per acre per year. Source: Burton and Jackson, 1962; Silveria et al., 2007.
Use of Urea-Based Products Without AN, users of N face risky alternatives. NH 3 volatilization loss Urease is abundant in thatch & organic layers High N use in hay. Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizer Products may reduce volatilization loss Urease inhibition Encapsulate & release Ammonium Nitrate Urea NBPT maleic-itaconic co-polymer Polymer Coating
Ammonia Volatilization Trap Data (avg. over two locations)
Bermudagrass Hay Yield (Calhoun)
Results: Yield Data : Forage Yield of ‘Russell’ Bermudagrass Equal Splits † SourceEatontonCalhounEatontonCalhoun (lbs of DM/acre) ATU ‡ ESN NSN Urea Urea AN Check LSD † Equal split applications of N that occurred during the season. Total N applied = 300 lbs N/acre. ‡ Items that are in bold font are not significantly different from the highest value in the column.
Bermudagrass Hay Yield 2010 (Equal splits, 4 applications, 300 lbs N/ac total)
Summary of EE N products Agrotain Treated Urea as compared to urea applied in the same way (averaged over 4 site-yrs): Reduced ammonia volatilization by over 63%. Produced 11% more forage yield. Recovered 19% more of the applied N. Did not substantially affect crude protein content. Did not substantially affect the risk of nitrate toxicity.
Fall Armyworm Fall armyworm infestations can be a problem anytime,… But, the effects are most devastating in drought years. Application if above threshold (>3 larvae per ft 2 ) Fall armyworm infestations can be a problem anytime,… But, the effects are most devastating in drought years. Application if above threshold (>3 larvae per ft 2 )
Fall Armyworm ACES – ANR-1019
Fall Armyworm
Fall Armyworm Control Insecticide Rate per acre Grazing Interval (days) Sevin / carbarylmaximum14 Lannate 2.4LV2 pt7 (3 for hay) Mustang MAX4 fl. oz.0 (1 for hay) Karate Z (2.08) fl. oz.0 (7 for hay) Baythroid XL fl. oz.0 (0 for hay) Intrepid 2F (suppl.)4 - 8 fl. oz.0 (7 for hay) Tracer 4SC1-2 oz.Dry (3 for hay) Dimilin 2L2 oz.0 (1 for hay) Coragen oz.0 (0 for hay) Lannate is not labeled for use on fescue. Methyl parathion is labeled but is only effective on small larvae.
A New Pest in Bermudagrass Photo by: Tim Varnedore, UGA Extension
Stem boring maggot (fly) damaging bermudagrass hay fields, Irwin County, GA, July 2010 Photos by: Will Hudson, UGA Entomology
Bermudagrass stem maggot, Atherigona reversura, native to Asia (Larval photos by Ruth Donaldson, UGA-Griffin) Photo by: Will Hudson, UGA Entomology
Bermudagrass stem maggot damage and management? Little information. Multiple generations. Yield, quality loss?? Thin-stemmed varieties seem less preferred Farmer trials: single appl. of pyrethroid insecticide provide only negligible control. Little information. Multiple generations. Yield, quality loss?? Thin-stemmed varieties seem less preferred Farmer trials: single appl. of pyrethroid insecticide provide only negligible control.
Grazing School Sept , 2011 Athens, GA
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