Research Data Management for Research Support staff 30 th June 2015 Isabel Chadwick, Research Data Management Librarian
Contents What is RDM? Project update Policy Support for RDM Coming soon...
What is research data? “The evidence on which academic researchers build their analytic or other work” (HEFCE 2008)
What is research data management? “Research data management concerns the organisation of data, from its entry to the research cycle through to the dissemination and archiving of valuable results. It aims to ensure reliable verification of results, and permits new and innovative research built on existing information." Digital Curation Centre (2011) Making the Case for Research Data Management
Project update Initial project: Summer 2012-Winter 2014 Infrastructure project: Summer present Implementation: from September 2015
RCUK policy “Publicly funded research data are a public good, produced in the public interest, which should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner that does not harm intellectual property.” RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy
RCUK policy (2)
Horizon 2020 pilot “The notion of 'publication' increasingly includes the data underpinning the publication and results presented, also referred to as 'underlying' data. This data is needed to validate the results presented in the deposited scientific publication and is therefore seen as a crucial part of the publication and an important ingredient enabling scientific best practice.” Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon oa-pilot-guide_en.pdf
Other funders
OU Principles of Research Data Management “Research data must be managed to the highest standards throughout their lifecycle in order to support excellence in research practice” Appendix to the OU Research Code of Practice
Selling RDM Work efficiently and effectively –Save time and reduce frustration –Highlight patterns or connections that might otherwise be missed Data is precious Enable data re-use and sharing
Services available now Creating data Intranet site DMPonline DMP checking DMP examples Costing RDM Ethics – obtaining consent to share data Drawing up collaboration agreements (with CLS) Enquiries : rdm-
Processing data Intranet site Help with setting up processes Tailored training on demand Zendto Services available now (2)
Services available now (3) Analysing data Researcher knows best! IT provide software packages (e.g. NVIVO, SPSS)
Services available now (4) Preserving data Advice on selection/ appraisal Preparation of data for archive Help to find a suitable repository
Services available now (5) Giving access to data Data catalogue (ORO) Data access statements Advice on licensing Help to decide access restrictions
Services available now (6) Re-using data Help understanding licences Help to understand IP and ownership Help to draw up agreements with data owners (with CLS)
Coming soon... Tool for secure collaboration/storage Institutional data archive More training (online and F2F) Website review
Image credits Unless otherwise stated, all images are by Jørgen Stamp at