A review of role and responsibility assignments for those involved in research administration and compliance functions has progressed through a final draft. Final Committee feedback is being collected and the R&R Matrix will be completed by 22 January. Role and duty clarity are the priorities of this analysis. A Summary of Findings for the R&R process will be provided to the Committee for review, and produce content for the February Executive update. Draft interview questions are due to the full Committee by 22 Jan. Interviews will be conducted of faculty and staff during the first weeks of February. Interviews may be followed by Focus Groups sessions if necessary. Existing policies and procedures for high-risk administration and compliance areas have been inventoried by Huron. >25 policies require in-depth review involving Huron and UGA resources. These reviews will begin immediately. A Summary of Findings will be provided to the Committee for review, and produce content for the February Executive update. Current educational program elements supporting key compliance and administration functions will be inventoried and reviewed by Committee in early February. A. Key Committee Activities and Accomplishments:B. Other Key Committee Activities/Milestones planned: The seventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee was held 9 Jan. Committee time was spent evaluating how to best collect faculty feedback on roles, responsibilities, policies, procedures, training, and education for research administration at UGA. It has been agreed that a comprehensive interview process will be undertaken to help capture faculty and staff feedback on current practices, processes, and procedures in research administration and compliance. Draft survey work produced an interview question source. These and other interview questions will be presented at the 22 Jan meeting for Committee approval. A role/responsibility matrix has been completed – final committee comments are being collected, and due no later than 22 Jan. Policies and procedures supporting research administration have been catalogued by Huron; > 25 policy areas have been identified for further review. A formal update on Committee progress will be provided to the Provost, Executive VP for Finance, and other senior officials at UGA. This update will occur in February and be facilitated by Huron. Summary Update: The Research Administration & Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee has met for the seventh time. The Committee is: considering a comprehensive faculty and staff interviewing process covering RA and Infrastructure, inventorying and clarifying important roles and responsibilities, collecting and cataloging existing policies and procedures supporting these roles, and has plans to address training and education approaches UGA employs for supporting research administration at UGA Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Start Date: October 17, 2007 Project Name: R-Admin. & Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee End Date: Late Spring 2008 Reporting To: Provost, Arnett Mace Project Goal: To establish recommendations and analysis that in the end, foster a true and balanced culture of support for the University’s growing research mission and research compliance initiatives. Research Administration & Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee Action Plan – January 9, 2008 D. Summary Project Plan: