Chapter Summary Enter… COURTNEY
Classroom Activity Enter… VICTORIA
Peer Interview 1.Take turns interviewing each other. Each student is to answer the questions as if they were the character 2.Interviewer writes down the main ideas of the responses from his/her group 3.After the interviews are complete, each character gets his/her interview sheet from the interviewer 4.After the interview is complete, there will be an individual activity – Details to follow
Interview Questions Rachel How did you feel when you saw the article in the school paper about Wallace Wallace and Trudi? Did you think Dylan was crazy for throwing out his football stuff or did you feel sorry for him? Trudi seems to be enjoying her newfound stardom. If you were Wallace Wallace and could only speak the truth, what would you tell her? How did you feel about Mr. Fogelman when you “caught” him playing music w/ the Dead Mangoes? Are you really going to grab a rake and join everyone at Wallace’s house or would you rather go to the fair? Wallace Do you think waking to your mixed up dream of your football friends means you really miss your football friends? Were you embarrassed or secretly pleased to see forty of your Drama Club friends in your yard with rakes? When Cavanaugh called you the “Prince of Geeks” what did you do? Your Coach said, “you don’t have great football skills. But there’s something about you..” What do you think that is? Did you think that maybe you should reconsider being a part of the Drama Club after Rick gave you the losing “game ball”? Mr. Fogelman How did you feel when the kids thought you were really old even though you’re only 29? How do you think your behavior and choices up to now have influenced how the kids view you? You seemed to really enjoy playing music. How did your wife feel about your playing with the Dead Mangoes? Did her reaction change your mind? How will it help you to “Mellow out”? What was the turning point when you realized that you needed to "mellow out"? Are you really ready to just let things happen and give up control or are you a little unsure about really letting go of control?
Individual Activity Respond to the following questions from your character’s point of view: 1. How have you changed since the beginning of the book? 2. Do you think the changes are for the better or for the worse? 3. Were there any events that caused your character to change?
Enter… SANDY
Writing To Learn (WTL) Microthemes POVGs (Point of View Guides Bio Poems Admit Slips / Exit Slips Journals Writing to Learn (WTL) Microthemes POVGs (Point of View Guides) Bio Poems Admit Slips / Exit Slips Journals
Enter… BECKY Assignment Wrap Up
Group/Peer Interview Point of View Guide (POVG) Questions are presented in an interview format −This allows students to approach the question or task at hand from different characters’ points of view and perspectives Students have the option to respond to a situation Brings up inferential thinking (based on prior knowledge and evidence), role playing, and writing in the first person − This can help ideas flow. −This is helpful for students who are shy or who on average struggle getting their own ideas on paper Allows for collaborative and interactive effort between peers Allows for role playing and writing in the first person This can also help students compile their thoughts or think abstractly. The POGV theme helps when students find it difficult to summarize stories or themes
Index Card Activity Microtheme – A brief piece of writing that results in a great deal of thinking ( p. 285, Vacca & Vacca). More isn’t always best Can be often be referred to as mini-essays Often students will jot down notes about key points before writing their microtheme Writing to learn can be a personal experience Allows students to actively contribute and connect, analyze, and summarize their own experiences