The Korean War
1. Bell Ringer: Sample AP Questions (7) 2. Lecture: Cold War (25) 3. Red Scare Clip (5) 4. Truman Hate Mail (12) 5. Cold War Political Cartoons (10) 6. Kennedy Cold War Speech POV (20)
Announcement Focus Questions – Chapter 24, Question 1 on Nationalism – Chapter 25, Questions 1, 2, 4, 6 – Chapter 26, Questions 2 and 4 AP Exam Practice Session is still scheduled, but location is not certain at this time. AP Make up Session is April 24 th, at 8 AM or 4 PM in the Cafeteria.
AP EXAM STUFF The Exam is May 15 th, starts at 8 AM. You need to get here early, they will NOT let you test if you arrive late. It will be in the Aux Gym. For those not taking the exam. You will be taking an AP exam to get the experience of AP testing, and it will be held at the same time as the AP Test. This will be in room 405.
US v. Soviet Union After WWII, both sides had troops in Korea, and neither side wanted to leave. Divided nation along 38 th Parallel. Soviets leave in 1949 with strong army in place. US leaves months later, with a relatively weak army.
North Korea N. Korea Communists invade S. Korea in Americans win UN agreement to invade after the Soviets boycott the meeting. After MacAuthur decides to move troops into N. Korea, it goes from “containment” to a fight against communism.
Stalemate American and UN forces take the northern half of Korea easily. China gets scared. They send armies in and push back forces to the 38 th. MacAuthur said, “we are really fighting the Chinese, lets bomb them.” Controversy ensues when Truman and MacAuthur come into conflict.
MacArthur He writes a letter to Representative Joseph Martin. “There is no substitute for victory.” Truman hears about it, and removes MacArthur for insubordination. 69% side with MacArthur, and it shows in the election of – Although the General’s comments to Congress limited his influence over the people.
Stalemate, again. Fighting stays within the 38 th parallel as a truce is reached between the two sides. It takes two years, but the conflict generally ends in We still have bases along the 38 th, and now North Korea is experimenting with nuclear weapons.
McCarthy and the Red Scare Joseph McCarthy begins a crusade against Communism in the early 1950s that turns into a “Red Scare” Everyone is accused, and some are blacklisted as a result. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed as spies for the Soviets. 1953
Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961, this was an attempt to eliminate Fidel Castro’s Communist government. We supplied arms to revolutionary soldiers, and the CIA provided intelligence. It was touted as a guaranteed success, but ends up a huge blunder. The revolutionaries lose, and the United States is embarrassed by this loss.
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962, it is found that the Soviets are transporting nuclear weapons into Cuba. They claim it is for defense; however, these missiles can reach major US cities. Kennedy stages a blockade of Cuba to stop the flow of nuclear weapons. Khrushchev attempts to claim nuclear war is inevitable. 13 days and several speeches and conversations later, Khrushchev turns the ships around.
Mutually Assured Destruction Prior to 1962, it was a constant nuclear arms race. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, people know how close the Earth came to annihilation, leaders begin to discuss limiting the use of nuclear weapons. After Kennedy is assassinated, an increased presence in Vietnam leads to a new look into Containment. f4
Letter Activity Each group will receive a letter or two from a parent or constituent involved with the Korean Conflict. Answer the following question and note the impact of the letter. 1.What is the view of the person writing President Truman? What is their tone? 2.After hearing all of the letters, what is the overall reaction to the war in Korea? Why may this be biased?
Truman v. MacArthur Each group will receive a letter or two from a constituent on the firing of Douglas MacArthur Answer the following question and note the impact of the letter. 1.What is the view of the person writing President Truman? What is their tone? 2.After hearing all of the letters, what is the overall reaction to the firing of MacArthur?