CAREERS : J OB S HADOWING P ROJECT Mrs. Walters 8 th Grade
J OB S HADOWING D AY : W HAT IS I T ??? An opportunity for you to explore a career that interests you.
W HAT Y OU N EED TO K NOW WHEN: May, 23 rd You will report to job site NOT school You will shadow for 4-6 hours You must have parent/guardian permission to participate
W HERE C AN Y OU G O ? Site placement is up to YOU Choose a career you’re interested in! If you’re having difficulty finding a site placement, see me. There may be some limitations due to confidentiality Examples from last year Doctors Pharmacists Veterinarians Beauticians Morticians Teachers Music Store Banker Police Officers
DETAILS Students contact the Job Shadow site and receive approval Supervisor must be 21+ Must have 2+ years experience Students MUST have Permissions (parent &site supervisor) signed and returned to Mrs. Walters by Wednesday, May 8 th Transportation is YOUR responsibility.
MAKING THE CALL….. Introduce yourself Explain why you’re calling DO NOT have parents call Discuss the dress code Directions (if you don’t know how to get there) Figure out how you’ll get the permission slip signed Visit the site, fax,
EXPECTATIONS Remember you are representing SCA Dress Appropriately! Check with your site supervisor to see what you are expected to wear. If you are visiting a professional setting- dress up Be on time! Positive Attitude Complete Interview Write a thank you letter after the visit You may want to take pictures for your presentation (ask site)
PERMISSION FORMS PARENT SITE SUPERVISOR DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th NO EXCUSES NO Form, No Job-Shadow * If you’re parent/guardian does not want you to participate or you do not return permission forms, you are responsible for an alternative assignment. You MUST report to school on 5/23
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What are the major responsibilities of this job? 2. What are some of the challenges/issues someone in this position faces? 3. What personal characteristics are needed for this career? 4. What type of education is needed for this career? 5. What is the starting/average salary for this career? 6. What are your major responsibilities? 7. What do you see as the demand for jobs like yours in the future? 8. What do you like most about your job? 9. What do you like least about your job? 10. How did you decide on this career?
P ARTS OF THE P ROJECT ….. Thank you note Interview questions Presentations May 30 th & 31 st (additional days if necessary) TOTAL PROJECT SCORE = 200 POINTS
VISUAL AID Trifold, PowerPoint, or Prezi (minimum of 10 slides) Be Creative Should be visually appealing Use Correct Spelling Grammar Follow Rubric Guidelines (in packet) Pictures, drawings, objects, neatness The more effort, the higher the grade
CLASS PRESENTATION 5 minutes Practice You may use note cards RELAX Eye Contact Volume What to avoid “likes” “ummms” Hair twirling
STILL NOT SURE WHAT CAREER WOULD BE A GOOD FIT? Complete Interest Inventory (free online) Meet with Mrs. Walters (study hall or set up appt.) Complete PHEAA pamphlets Talk to your parent(s)/guardians
I NTEREST INVENTORIES -planning/find-careers/index.shtml advisors/studentsandcareeradvisors.aspx l
QUESTIONS???? If you think of questions, stop in and see me.