August Orientation Things to know about Living in Yilan Kelly ^_^
Trash & Recycling Recycling mark Music of the trash truck
Tips for recycling Rinse Refrigerator (leftover/ food waste) Recycling man / woman
Days and ways of recycling DaysThings to recycle Monday and Friday Flat paper (not including paper-box), used clothes and glass Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday Other recycling except paper, used clothes, and glass Wednesday and Saturday Sabbatical day. No recycling and trash
Trash time for each apartment Guo Rong – 6:10 or 8:00 Fu Xing – 8:10 Da Po – 4:40 Loudong H & J – 6:20 or 9:00
Basic needs Apartment Cell Phone/ SIM Card Scooter drivers’ license for scooter or bicycle Bank account/ ATM Card ARC Card (IMPORTANT) National Health Insurance Card Chinese Class major expense major expense
Rent for each apartment Guo Rong - 3 rooms: NT$ 14,000 ($5,000 、 $4,600 、 $4,400) Fu Xing - 3 rooms: NT$ 14,000 ($5,200 、 $4,500 、 $4,300) Da Po- 4 rooms: NT$ 16,500 ($4,600 、 $4,400 、 $4,000 、 $3,500) Loudong H – 3 rooms: NT$ 14,000 ($5,400 、 $4,600 、 $4,000 ) Loudong J – 3 rooms: NT$ 14,000 ($5,600 、 $4,800 、 $3,600 )
Living in apartments Expenses 1.Rent: - transfer to landlord’s bank account with ATM card 2. Utility Bills (power and water): - check the mail box - pay at the convenience store by due date (some apts transfer utility cost to the landlords) - bills come every two month 3. Gas tank - Price may be varied by international gas price. - Turn it off when you don’t use it.
No hot shower?? - get a new gas tank - change the battery (same type & brand) - water pressure Get a new gas tank - call the gas company (the phone number is on the gas tank) - be home waiting the gas man
Rules in apartment Living paction 1. cleanness (your room & shared areas) roommate agreement? 2. NO noise! 3. NO pets! 4. Pay rent and bills on time. (rent- by fifth day of each month) 5. Don’t use the washing machine after 10 pm. 6. Other things - Cherish the furniture - DO NOT paste anything on the wall.
Damage ?? Show you the photos!
Don’t flush the toilet paper in the toilets. Don’t drink the tap water. Receipt lottery
Google map created by former Convenience Stores in Taiwan (article)article
Have a wonderful stay & a successful year! ~2014.6