Mary Lynn Manns Fearless Change Lessons in Leadership, February 2010
Perhaps you aren’t looking for your answer in the right place. Why haven’t you made the “shift”?
… first, you need to understand why. If you are stuck in a pattern you can change, but haven’t…
Your goal for the next 20 minutes… Begin to understand the real reason you can’t make a “shift”
Tension Belief
In order to change, you need: (1) Unacceptable tension between your present state and what you want (2) Belief in your ability to change
Facts Fear Force Fix How do we attempt to create tension and belief ?
Is there another ‘F’ word? Feelings Look for a truth that influences your feelings ( rather than your logic) Behavior change happens mostly by speaking to a person’s feelings. (John Kotter) People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but not forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)
What is the “shift” you desire? Facts Fear Force Fix Feelings What do you believe that is keeping you in your comfort zone?
Peel the onion What do you believe that is keeping you in your comfort zone? Why do you believe this?
Making the “big shift”…. Rather than looking for the tension in the logical or the rational… What do you believe that is keeping you “stuck” in this pattern? What will emotionally inspire you to change?
Changing your belief… Imagine a different future Work in small steps Celebrate your small successes (rather than concentrating on what you still have to do) Listen to the success stories of others Build relationships that can provide support
You miss 100% of the shots you never take.
Mary Lynn Manns Fearless Change Lessons in Leadership, February 2010