GEO600 Detector Status Harald Lück Max-Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik Institut für Atom- und Molekülphysik, Uni Hannover
Worldwide Interferometer Network
Laser Optical Layout Michelson Interferometer Output Mode Cleaner Mode Cleaners 600m 10 W 5 W 1 W ~ 5 kW 10 kW at Beam Splitter ~50mW Light power (specs)
GEO 600 Sensitivity specs.
Laser Light Power (current) Michelson Interferometer Output Mode Cleaner Mode Cleaners 10W 1W 300W at Beam Splitter 2W2W ~10mW Mode Cleaners: Troughput 80% 72% Finesse Visibility 96% 92% 98.65% Power Recycling Cavity: Mode matching97% Finesse 450 Linewidth 270 Hz
Optical Layout Main Interferometer Mode Cleaner Laser Bench Output Bench
Slave Master Slave entrance to vacuum system Laser System Master Laser: Nd:YAG NPRO (non-planar ring oscillator) 1064 nm Slave Laser: Nd:YAG injection-locked ring cavity nm less than 5% in higher modes Additional Information: Talk: Wednesday 12:40 – 13:10 h Benno Willke Poster session: Tuesday 20:30 – 22:00 h
GEO Triple Pendulum Suspension
Thermal Noise Issues Monolithic Suspension Silicate (Hydroxy- Catalysis) Bonding Weld
Length and Frequency Control Michelson Interferometer Output Mode Cleaner Laser Mode Cleaners 25 MHz 13 MHz 37 MHz Laser Frequency Stabilisation: no rigid reference cavity laser is directly stabilised to suspended cavities 3 sequential Pound- Drever-Hall control loops common mode of the Power-Recycled Michelson serves as frequency reference
Mode Cleaners Output Mode Cleaner Michelson Length Control Michelson Interferometer Laser 15 MHz 10 MHz Differential arm length: (gravitational wave signal) heterodyne detection Schnupp modulation Signal-Recycling control: separate modulation frequency reflected beam from beam splitter AR coating
Reaction Pendulum: 3 coil-magnet actuators at intermediate mass Electrostatic actuation on test mass bias 500V, range 0-800V=4µm Test Mass Actuators <10Hz >10Hz
Alignment Control differential wave-front sensing spot position control 4 degrees of freedom at MC 1 +4 at MC 2 +4 at MI (common mode) +2 at MI (differential mode) +2 at Signal-Recycling cavity = 36 Alignment Control
Magnet/coil actuators on IM UGF: ~10Hz Diff. MI Fast Auto-Alignment Output port Reduces misalignment below 50 nrad rms Reliable locking over long timescales. Duty cycle >95%
Output mode Radii Of Curvature of folding mirrors do not match East ROC: 687m North ROC: 666m Spec: 640m
Thermal adjustment of ROC + -
Thermal adjustment of ROC (II)
15 W 10 W
15 W 20 W
15 W 30 W
15 W 40 W
15 W 50 W
15 W 50 W
15 W 60 W
15 W 70 W
Signal Recycling Mirror Reflectivity = 99% Coil/magnet actuation directly to mirror Triple pendulum suspension with reaction pendulum chain Tunable between 550Hz and 5kHz Mode-healing 2x
Signal Recycling Mirror Reflectivity = 99% Coil/magnet actuation directly to mirror Triple pendulum suspension with reaction pendulum chain Tunable between 550Hz and 5kHz Mode-healing 5 kHz3 kHz 1 kHz
Sensitivity Development Dec Aug Nov Jan % 98.5% 95.2% 98.7%