Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for LCGT Inverted pendulum: 30mHz 3 cascaded GAS filter: 500mHz Test mass suspension: triple pendulum Transfer functions computed with a rigid body model V-H coupling Safety margin of over 50
Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for LCGT SAS Control Active Damping of Mechanical Resonances Digital Servo using Commercial Control System Sensors 3 Horizontal Accelerometers (ACC) 3 Horizontal LVDTs 1 Vertical LVDT Actuators 3 Horizontal Magnet-Coil Actuators 1 Vertical Magnet-Coil Actuator ACC LVDT Actuator
Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for LCGT History of SAS R&D International collaboration with Caltech and Univ. of Pisa Started TAMA-SAS study in 2000 R&D of IP and MGAS filter at Caltech by 2001 R&D using SAS prototype at Univ. of Tokyo by 2003 Started manufacturing of SAS for TAMA300 in 2003 Installation of SAS into TAMA300 in 2005 R&D at Caltech Schedule of TAMA-SAS installation
Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for LCGT R&D using 3m FP prototype Isolation of m/Hz RMS velocity of 0.3 m/s SAS prototype in the 3m Fabry-Perot cavity
Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for LCGT Test in TAMA300 To 4 Test Masses Installation: 2005 Observation: 2006 SAS for TAMA300